What was the name Mrs. Loya went by last year?
Ms. Parcell
What is the number 1 rule?
Do not do anything that is DISRUPTIVE to learning or DISRESPECTFUL toward another person in the room (including the teacher).
How will you show that you need to use the restroom or get a drink?
A number one hand up
Whose job is it to pass out macbooks and plug them back in?
Technology Support
Which of Mrs. Loya's kids are the most stubborn?
What is her husbands name?
What will happen right away if someone is disruptive or disrespectful?
They will receive a redirect/reminder. It will be quiet and personal whenever possible.
How will you show if you need to get up to grab a pencil, kleenex, or hand sanitizer etc.?
A number 2 hand up.
They will monitor the time, pass back papers
How will Mrs. Loya signal that she wants the class quiet?
Voices off in 5,4,3,2,1
What are Mrs. Loya's kids names?
Franco and Rocco
What will happen if someone does not change their disruptive or disrespectful behavior after the first reminder/redirect?
They will be asked to go to a safe seat.
When is the time to get a pencil for class?
At the beginning of class
What supplies will the room stager need?
a broom, arms/legs, maybe a clorox wipe
Whose job is to pass out novels when we start reading them this year?
The Supply Manager
What kind of food does Mrs. Loya like to make a lot
What is baked things/dessert
Will also accept Mexican food or food with lots of veggies
What is the expectation for the safe seat?
Sit quietly, continue working at the safe seat if ready.
What will happen if you borrow a pencil (write your name on the board) and do not bring the pencil back(erase your name off the board)?
You will lose 1 ticket.
What is the name for the job that does any other thing that Mrs. Loya thinks of, such as taking something to the office or watering a plant etc.?
Where will you go to check for work that you missed during absences?
black crate by the pencil sharpener
What is a school that Mrs. Loya taught at before coming to Martin City?
What is several buildings in Hickman Mills or Frontier school of Innovation
What will happen if someone is seen talking to a person from a buddy room?
they will lose a ticket
Who is in charge of monitoring the pencils and making sure all students who take one are writing their name on the board?
The Supply Manager
How long do people hold jobs for and when do they get paid?
They hold jobs for two weeks and get paid chips/candy every Friday