Which videogame has remained popular in our classroom for several months?
Among Us
Which country were Mrs. Pantier's parents from?
Which subjects do we do every Wednesday?
Literature Circles and Science
What was the most recent read-aloud book we read?
Maggot Moon
What item was recently mounted on the wall where a whiteboard once was?
Which dog dressed like a human was passed around the school, and became a meme for both the in-person kids and online kids?
What are Mrs. Pantier's kid's names and ages?
Christopher: 4 years old
Emily: 1 year old
What was the first topic we learned about in Social Studies?
The Revolutionary War
What was the term given to kids in a recently-read read-aloud book where the kids kill pigeons?
What shrine was built online to worship this singer, who sang the popular song 'Mr. Boombastic'?
Biggie Cheese/Biggie Shrine
What retort do some people say when someone shares something about their life?
Who asked
How many years has Mrs. Pantier been teaching at Desert Trails?
Which popular board game have we played online, both in Jamboards and on a website? (hint: Mrs. Pantier used to put us in breakout rooms to play this)
Which book did we read about two boys exploring the wilderness?
Navigating Early
Which online videogame did the whole class play for awhile, before eventually getting bored?
Which Japanese word has recently been brought up in the class, being used as a popular name in Kahoots?
Baka, meaning fool
How many years has Mrs. Pantier spent teaching?
What is our class's specials rotation?
PE, STEM, Art, Music
What story did we read in a Junior Great Book about a man wanting freedom?
Harrison Bergeron
How many Greek and Latin roots did we study this year?
What animal has the scientific name of 'sus'?
What is Mrs. Pantier's favorite drink? (hint: its very specific)
Chai Tea Latte
What date was the first day of school? (M/D/YYYY)
August 5th, 2020
What was the first read-aloud book we read?
The Fighting Ground
What animal has a scientific name where the type of animal's name is repeated 3 times? (ex. pig pig pig or elephant elephant elephant)
Western Lowland Gorilla