Where is...

What supplies will we need for class?

Something to write with, paper and your Chromebook


Where do I put my cell phone

All cell phones MUST be turned in for every class.  Phones may be put in the show holder hanging from the white board or may be placed on Mrs. Payton's desk.  We will do this during attendance.


How can I be SAFE in the FCS room?

sit in designated areas, stay out of the kitchens expect when directed, follow all safety rules when in kitchens, one student to restroom or drink at a time, keep hands to yourself


What if I am absent?

It is your responsibility to find out what we did in class while you were gone.  You can check Google Classroom and/or with Mrs. Payton.  If something was assigned while you were gone, you will have an extra day to complete it.  


What happens if I don't follow expectations?

I will remind you what the expectations are once.  After that, we will need to have a chat as to what is going on.  If needed, there will be consequences such as detention or others as needed.  


How is work/assignments graded?

50% for in-class activities

50% for projects or tests

I grade on the weekends, so grades will go in as points or M, MI or HI


Where do I go in case of a fire?

We will go out the North door and exit the building using the West doors.  We will then go to the Parking Lot.  We must stay as a group so I can take attendance and wait until we hear the "all clear" signal


How can I be an OUTSTANDING CITIZEN in the FCS room?

use appropriate classroom language (no swearing), settle disagreements with others in an appropriate manner - no yelling, arguing, harassment, intimidation


What should I do if I'm tardy (late to class)?

If you have a pass from another teacher, I will email Mrs. Shreve.  If you do not, you will need to go to the office and get a pass.  They will be tracking unexcused tardies this year and you will have lunch detention after having 4 unexcused tardies.  


What happens if a student walks through the FCS room during class?

The FCS room is not a hallway during class time.  Students can walk through during passing time.  If they do come through during passing time they will be stopped and will need to do 67 pushups or burpees.  If someone becomes a repeat offender, they will have a private meeting with Mrs. Payton about respect.  


Where will assignments/materials be posted?

On Google Classroom


Where do I go in case of a tornado?

We will stay in my room and get to the side of the room.  We should sit and cover our heads


How can I be ACCOUNTABLE in the FCS room?

check email and Google Classroom daily, bring materials to class - charged, turn in assignments on time, participate in class discussions and activities, ask questions if you don't understand, pick up and clean up after yourself


If I need to get in touch with you, what should I do?

EMAIL.  Email is the best option and you need to get in the habit of using it.  Please do not interrupt a class unless it is an emergency.  I check email frequently.  


Are there things/places off limits in the FCS classroom?

The kitchens are off limits unless your class is completing a cooking lab.  The food is off limits unless you are completing a cooking lab.  Mrs. Payton's desk is off limits.  


Where do I turn in my work?

On Google Classroom or as otherwise directed. 


Where are extra supplies stored? (i.e pencils, paper, markers)

Extra Pencils are in the container on my desk and you may use or take them as needed.  Paper is in the cupboard behind my desk and markers are in the cube organizer by the phone.  If there is anything else you need - I am more than willing to help you find it but please do not just take things


How can I show RESPECT in the FCS room?

 be kind and considerate to others - no name calling or making fun of others, respect others property - put things back where you found it.  Follow the Golden Rule - Treat others how you want to be treated.  


Can I eat or drink during class?

Yes - as long as you are respectful of others.  For example, if what you are eating bother someone else, then you will need to wait.  If you do not clean up/pick up after yourself, you will also lose this privelage. 


Is there a word or noise that is "off-limits"?

(Besides swearing)

The "R" word is not to be said in the FCS classroom and there will be consequences if it is used.  

"Seal-barking" is also not allowed.  You will visit Mr. Thompson or Mr. H. for this.  


What is your policy for late work?

I typically grade on the weekends.  If you have work completed, your score will go into JMC.  If you do not, your grade will go in as a MI (Missing Included) which computes as a zero.  By the next Sunday, if it is still not completed, the MI will convert to a zero and will not be able to be made up.  It is up to my discretion for any exceptions to this procedure.  


Where is the recycling box?

At the front of the room in a black basket, under the cell phone holder


What is Mrs. Payton's favorite quote?

People will forget what you said.  People will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel


What do I do if I need to use the bathroom during class time?

Please just let me know that you need to use the restroom.  There is a pass hanging on the white board  that you will need to take.  Only one person out for the restroom at a time.  


Mrs. Payton often has mints and lotion, sometimes gum on her desk that she is willing to share.  Why does she do this and what does she expect from this?

This is a learning opportunity.  It's a learning opportunity to share.  If someone offers you something, you should use your manners - say please and thank you.  Take one - not a pocketful.  
