What school does Mrs. Petrie teach at?
McCoy Elementary
What subjects does Mrs. Petrie teach?
math and science
What is Mrs. Petrie's favorite color?
What school did Mrs. Petrie first teach at?
Riverchase elementary
Name one math unit Mrs. Petrie has taught
Use your math notebook to prove it.
What is Mrs. Petrie's favorite candy?
Hi chew
How many years has Mrs. Petrie taught at McCoy?
10 years approximately
Name one science unit Mrs. Petrie has taught
Use your science notebook to prove it
What is Mrs. Petrie's favorite drink?
Dr Pepper
How many kids does Mrs. Petrie have
What is Mrs. Petrie's favorite fast food cuisine?
What is the highest award Mrs. Petrie has gotten for teaching?
Teacher of the year for the whole of the district.
How many siblings does Mrs. Petrie have
What is Mrs. Petrie's favorite cookie flavor
Chocolate chip