Writing Decimals
Comparing and Ordering Decimals
Rounding Decimals
Estimating Decimals
Adding and Subtracting Decimals
The summer camp Jason attends is exactly four hundred twenty-three and four hundred nine millionths of a mile from his home. Write this distance in standard form.
What is 423.000409
Compare using <, >, or =

0.009 []? 0.9
What is:

0.009 []? 0.900

0.009 [<]? 0.900
Recently, one Canadian dollar was equal to 0.835125 U.S. dollars. Round this amount of U.S. dollars to the nearest cent.
What is $0.84
Albuquerque, New Mexico, gets an average of 6.35 inches of precipitation a year. Phoenix, Arizona, gets an average of 6.82 inches a year. To the nearest tenth of an inch, about how many more inches of precipitation does Phoenix get than Albuquerque using rounding?
What is 6.8 - 6.4 = 0.4 inches of rain.
The average distance of Neptune from the Sun is 4.504 billion kilometers. The average distance of Uranus from the Sun is 2.871 billion kilometers. What is the distance between Neptune and Uranus?

What is 1.633 billion kilometers.

Note: The prefix "kilo" means 1,000

So, 1 kilometer = 1,000 meters.

Imagine Neptune's distance at 4.504 billion kilometers. Rewrite as 4,504,000 kilometers. Now, multiply by 1,000 to get 4,504,000,000 meters. Wow, that's a LOT of meter sticks!
Pinnacles National Monument in California has 71.28 miles of hiking trails. Write this number in two other forms.
What is 71.28 is standard form, so...

Word form: seventy-one and twenty-eight hundredths

Expanded form using decimals: 70 + 1 + 0.2 + 0.08

Expanded form using fractions: 70 + 1 + 2/10 + 8/100
Compare using <, >, or =

50.031 []? 50.03
What is:

50.031 []? 50.030

50.031 [>]? 50.030
Round 468.09156 to the nearest thousandths position.
What is 468.092
Maggie bought a basketball for $24.99 and basketball shoes for $49.49. To the nearest dollar, about how much did Maggie spend on the ball and shoes?
What is $25 + $49 = $74
Susan buys her lunch in the cafeteria each day for a week. On Monday she spends $1.59, on Tuesday $2.23, on Wednesday 76 cents, on Thursday $2.94, and on Friday $3.71. How much money does Susan spend on lunch this week?
What is

How is 608.0793 written in word form and expanded form?
608.0793 is standard form, so...

Word Form: six hundred eight and seven hundred ninety-three ten-thousandths.

Expanded From Using Decimals: 600 + 8 + 0.07 + 0.009 + 0.0003

Expanded Form Using Fractions: 600 + 8 + 7/100 + 9/1,000 + 3/10,000
Order the following decimals from least to greatest:

78.203, 78.34, 78.4, 78.023, 78.23, 78.2
What is:

Step 1: Rewrite the original decimals.

78.203, 78.34, 78.4, 78.023, 78.23, 78.2

Step 2: Annex (or add) zeros to the end of each decimal

78.203, 78.340, 78.400, 78.023, 78.230, 78.200

Step 3: Order from least to greatest

78.023 < 78.2 < 78.203 < 78.230 < 78.34 < 78.4
Mike, Jack, and Aaron are buying snowboards. Mike is getting his snowboard on sale for $219.49. Jack’s costs $279.97. Aaron’s costs $234.95. Round each snowboard price to the nearest dollar.
What is:

Mike: $219

Jack: $280

Aaron: $235
Kevin is going to plant three new types of vegetables in his garden. The garden store sells packages of tomato seeds for $1.97, chili pepper seeds for $0.89, green pepper seeds for $3.51 and pumpkin seeds for $2.42. Round to the nearest dollar to estimate how much Kevin will spend on all three packets of seeds.
What is $2 + $1 + $4 + $2 = $9
Nathan took $150 out of the ATM. He bought shoes for $45.59, groceries for $38.72, and gas for $12.86. How much money does he have left?
What is:

Nathan spent a total of $97.17

So, 150.00 - 97.17 = $52.83 left
What is the value of the last decimal place on the right for the decimal 132.45678?
What is eight hundred thousandths.
Order the following decimals from least to greatest:

45.303, 45.333, 45.03, 45.0003, 45.3, 45.003
Step 1: Rewrite the original decimals.

45.303, 45.333, 45.03, 45.0003, 45.3, 45.003

Step 2: Annex (or add) zeros to the end of each decimal

45.3030, 45.3330, 45.0300, 45.0003, 45.3000, 45.0030

Step 3: Order from least to greatest

45.0003 < 45.003 < 45.03 < 45.3 < 45.303 < 45.333
During 2003 the employer costs in the United States for em- ployee compensation per hour worked were $29.4235 for union members. For nonunion members the figure was $20.7956. Round these values to the nearest cent.
What is $29.42 and $20.80
Janet bought sneakers for $54.43 and a sweater for $39.96. If she had $100, about how much money does she have left?
What is:

$54 + $40 = $94 spent

100 - 94 = $6 left
Erin bought school supplies at the campus bookstore. She bought a box of pens for $3.45, a calculator for $18.25, two notebooks for $3.89 each, pencils for $0.89, and two binders for $4.96 each. What was the total of Erin’s bill? If Erin gave the clerk a fifty-dollar bill, how much change did she receive?
What is:

Erin spent $40.29 altogether.

50.00 - 40.29 = $9.71
How would we write $82.75 on a check?
What is eighty-two and 75/100 dollars (preferred)


What is eighty-two dollars and seventy-five cents (accepted)
The following numbers represent the weight of seven dogs. Place the following seven weights in order from least to greatest:

29.834, 29.083, 28.83, 29.381, 29.008, 29.38, 29.8
Step 1: Rewrite the original decimals. 29.834, 29.083, 28.83, 29.381, 29.008, 29.38, 29.8

Step 2: Annex (or add) zeros to the end of each decimal

29.834, 29.083, 28.830, 29.381, 29.008, 29.380, 29.800

Step 3: Order from least to greatest

28.83 < 29.008 < 29.083 < 29.38 < 29.381 < 29.8 < 29.834
Damon rounded 5.8497 to 5.85. What TWO place value positions could he have rounded to?
What is:

5.8497 to 5.85 using the hundredths

5.8497 to 5.85 using the thousandths
What is :)
Kelly made $300 and spent $143.24 on clothes. The next week she made $345.64 and spent $123.97 on car insurance. After buying her cloths and car insurance, how much money did Kelly have?
What is:

Clothes: 300.00 - 143.24 = $156.76 left

Car Insurance: 345.64 - 123.97 = $221.67 left

Total Amount Left: $156.76 + $221.67 = $378.43