Call of the Wild
Touching Spirit Bear
Choice: A Tribute to Martin Luther King, Jr
Achieving the American Dream
Odds and Ends
This is one major theme in Call of the Wild.
Possible answers: The weakest will die. (law of the fang) You must be able to adapt to survive. The strongest will rule (law of the club)
This is what we can determine about Cole's attitude from this passage: After Garvey left the detention center that day, Cole jabbed his fist into the air. “Yes!” he exclaimed. The world was made up of suckers and fools, and today Garvey was at the top of the heap.
What is that Cole does not want to change.
Based on the title, Choice: A Tribute to Martin Luther King, Jr and the passage below, this is the person that Alice Walker is talking aout. “You know of the prizes and awards that he tended to think very little of. And you know of his concern for the disinherited: the American Indian, the Mexican-American, and the poor American white- for whom he cared much."
Who is Martin Luther King, Jr.
This is one condition Andrea Cuomo had to agree to in order to get Immaculata Giodano to marry him based on the following passage. "In the Provinci di Salernojust outside the Italian city of Naples, a laborer named Andrea Cuomo asked Immaculata Giodano to marry him. The young woman accepted under one condition: that the couple immigrate to the far-off land of her dreams – America. Andrea Cuomo agreed, and after marrying, the Cuomos made the long voyage to New York Harbor in the late 1920’s. The young couple left the life, the language, the land, the family, and the friends they knew, arriving in Lady Liberty’s shadow with no money, unable to speak English, and without any education. They were filled with apprehension.
What is he had to agree to move to America?
This is the protagonist in the novel Call of the Wild.
Who is Buck.
This is one example of personification in the passage: Cole stared sullenly into the fire, then let his gaze wander. He had wanted revenge but felt little joy from his act. Overhead, eagles drifted on the air currents. In the bay, a mother seal played with her spotted pups as a golden sun peeked through the gray overcast and glinted off the waves. “This place sucks!” Cole mumbled as the breeze drifted sparks upward like wandering stars. He stared back into the crackling, red hot flames, and his anger burned.”
What is a golden sun peeked.
Based on the information in the following passage, we can infer that life in Naples must have been like this. "In the Provinci di Salernojust outside the Italian city of Naples, a laborer named Andrea Cuomo asked Immaculata Giodano to marry him. The young woman accepted under one condition: that the couple immigrate to the far-off land of her dreams – America. Andrea Cuomo agreed, and after marrying, the Cuomos made the long voyage to New York Harbor in the late 1920’s. The young couple left the life, the language, the land, the family, and the friends they knew, arriving in Lady Liberty’s shadow with no money, unable to speak English, and without any education. They were filled with apprehension. "
What is life must have been very difficult for the Cuomo's.
This is what the following passage foreshadows. “From the street below we hear the sound of a barrel organ and children’s voices at play. There is a many-colored scarf hanging from a nail. Mr. Frank takes it, putting it around his neck. As he starts back for his rucksack, his eye is caught by something lying on the floor. It is a woman’s white glove. He holds it in his hand and suddenly all of his self-control is gone. He breaks down crying.”
What is the fact that not everyone survives.
This is why Manuel chose to steal Buck in the story.
What is because Buck was the dog that would bring the highest price sold.
This is the symbol being used to describe Cole's anger in the following passage: Cole stared sullenly into the fire, then let his gaze wander. He had wanted revenge but felt little joy from his act. Overhead, eagles drifted on the air currents. In the bay, a mother seal played with her spotted pups as a golden sun peeked through the gray overcast and glinted off the waves. “This place sucks!” Cole mumbled as the breeze drifted sparks upward like wandering stars. He stared back into the crackling, red hot flames, and his anger burned.”
What is fire.
This is the meaning of the word conscience in the following passage. “He displayed no fear, but seemed calm and serene, unaware of his own extraordinary courage. His whole body, like his conscience, was at peace”
What is an inner sense in a person that distinguishes right from wrong.
Bases on the information from the passage, the word immigrate means this: "In the Provinci di Salernojust outside the Italian city of Naples, a laborer named Andrea Cuomo asked Immaculata Giodano to marry him. The young woman accepted under one condition: that the couple immigrate to the far-off land of her dreams – America. Andrea Cuomo agreed, and after marrying, the Cuomos made the long voyage to New York Harbor in the late 1920’s. The young couple left the life, the language, the land, the family, and the friends they knew, arriving in Lady Liberty’s shadow with no money, unable to speak English, and without any education. They were filled with apprehension."
What is coming into a foreign country to make a new home.
This is when the play "The Diary of Anne Frank" takes place.
What is during WWII.
Buck learned this when he lived with Judge Miller in California.
What is to trust in men that he knew.
This is what the whale represents in the story.
What is the idea that mamals migrate but do not have a home. It is also smart and powerful.
Based on the following passage, this is why it is significant for Dr. King's speech to be given in this particular restaurant. "You know that this very room, in this very restaurant, was closed to people of color not more than five years ago. And that we eat here together tonight largely through his efforts and his blood. We accept the common pleasures of life, assuredly, in his name."
What is African Americans were once denied access to the restaurant.
Based on the following passage, the term "burning desire" means this. “All that my parents brought to their new home was their burning desire to climb out of poverty on the strength of their labor. They believed that hard work would bring them and their children better lives and help them achieve the American Dream.”
What is his parents wanted desperatly to get out of poverty.
A main antagonist in the story is this dog.
Who is Curly?
This animal represents persistance and boldness. It makes the best of wherever they are and whatever they have.
What is the mouse.
Based on the following passage by Alice Walker, this is what Martin Luther King, Jr gave to the people. "...But add to all of these things the one thing that seems to me second to none in importance: He gave us back our heritage. He gave us back our homeland; the bones and dust of our ancestors, who may now sleep within our caring and our hearing. He gave us the blueness of the Georgia sky in autumn as in summer; the colors of the Southern winter as well as glimpses of the green of vacation-time spring. Those of our relatives we used to invite for a visit we can now ask to stay… He gave us full-time use of our woods, and restored our memories to those of us who were forced to run away, as realities we might each day enjoy and leave for our children. "
What is a sense of pride and belonging.
Based on the following passage, the term immersed means this. “From my earliest days, I felt immersed in the culture and traditions of my parents’ homeland. I grew up speaking Italian. I heard story after story from my parents and relatives about life in the Old Country.”
What is to be absorbed into something; thrust or throw into.
This is what and when you should read during the summer.
What is all the time and everything and anything!