All Saints Day
November 1st
What are the two penitential seasons of the Church?
Advent and Lent
Name five ways to keep the Lord's Day holy.
Answers will vary
Are an oath or a vow the same thing?
January 1st
On what days does the Church require us tp fast?
Ash Wednesday, Good Friday
Name three ways to practice self denial.
Answers will vary.
What is God's name that he told Moses (either in English or Hebrew)?
Yahweh or I AM WHO I AM
This word means calling on God to witness the truth of what you are saying.
Feast of the Assumption
August 15th
What does it mean when the Church requires us to fast?
We eat only one full meal a day and two smaller meals not equaling one meal
What are we commanded not to do on the Lord's Day?
Unnecessary work
Which commandment forbids us from using the Lord's name in vain?
2nd Commandment
This word means a promise made for a religious reason.
Feast of the Ascension
40 days after Easter
What age group is bound to fasting?
Ages 18-60
What commandment requires us to "keep holy the Lord's day"?
3rd Commandment
Are cursing and blasphemy the same thing?
Fidelity (loyalty)
Feast of the Immaculate Conception
December 8th
What does the Church mean by abstinence?
Not eating meat
Why do Christians celebrate the Lord's Day on Sunday?
It is the day Jesus rose from the dead.
This word means verbal abuse or scorn toward God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, or the saints.
Religious brothers and sisters take these three vows.
Poverty, chastity, and obedience