This word was used by the Spanish to describe Native American villages that had multi-room homes.
This is a Spanish word meaning "conqueror".
This is a Spanish word for an irrigation canal.
Who were the Buffalo Soldiers?
African American soldiers in the US Arm after the Civil War
In what ways did the US and Soviet Union compete during the Cold War?
Arms race, proxy wars, space race, athletic competitions
This word means "the people" in the Athabascan language and is used by the Navajo and Apache people.
What were the three motivations (3G's) for Spanish explorers?
God, Gold, and Glory
This a a word for people of mixed European and Native American ancestry.
How did the Rough Riders help New Mexico become a state?
They fought bravely in the Spanish-American war and proved that New Mexicans were loyal Americans.
This is information designed to persuade and sometimes mislead.
This is a ceremonial pit used by both ancient and modern Pueblo peoples.
Name one reason the Spanish were able to easily conquer the Native empires.
Disease, better, weapons, or better technology
This was a Spanish colonial policy that granted land, and the native people living on it, to Spanish colonists as a reward for service.
This was a town that sprang up quickly around a single industry, usually mining.
This was a person who supported voting rights for women.
What was the Navajo Long Walk?
Forced march of 400 miles from the Navajo homelands to the reservation at Bosque Redondo.
What is a mission and what was its purpose?
Community centered around a church, built to convert Native Americans to Christianity.
These were Jews who converted to Catholicism in the late 15th and early 16th centuries.
This was the belief that it was the God-given right of the United States to own all the land from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean.
Manifest Destiny
What was the Zimmerman Telegraph?
Telegraph sent by Germany to Mexico, promising the return of New Mexico, Arizona, and California if Mexico sided with Germany.
What factor might have led to the Ancestral Pueblo leaving their homes?
Drought/Enemy attacks
What is the Columbian Exchange?
Exchange of goods between Europe and its colonies in the Americas
This was a town council during the Spanish colonial era.
What was the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?
Treaty ending the Mexican American War, gave the US New Mexico, Arizona, California, and Utah.
This is a temporary farm worker from Mexico.