This Gift of the Holy Spirit means "to worship God and love him as our Father".
Who is the usual minister of Baptism?
What are the effects of Confirmation?
Strengthens sanctifying grace, makes us spiritual adults
This symbolizes the cleansing of sin from our souls.
This Gift of the Holy Spirit means "the strength to be faithful to Christ when it is difficult".
Who can baptize in an emergency?
Any baptized Christian
This is a permanent spiritual mark on the soul of the baptized that shows we belong to Christ.
Baptismal seal
This symbolizes the light of Christ.
This Gift of the Holy Spirit means "to see the evil of sin and the goodness of God".
Fear of the Lord
What is a vow?
A solemn promise to God
This name for the Holy Spirit means "someone who pleads before a judge on behalf of another".
This symbolizes the three-fold ministry of Jesus.
This Gift of the Holy Spirit means "to make correct decisions about God's will for our lives".
What gift does baptism give that is necessary for salvation?
Sanctifying grace
This Gift of the Holy Spirit means "to see things as God sees them".
This action shows us that a spiritual gift is being handed down to a Christian.
Laying on of hands
This Gift of the Holy Spirit means "insight into the mysteries of the faith
What does Baptism do?
Gives us sanctifying grace, removes venial sins
This Gift of the Holy Spirit means "to see everything in relation to God and eternity".
This reminds us of Jesus' triple office and connects the Sacrament to Baptism.
Anointing with Chrism