What is the first thing you should do when you arrive to the classroom in the morning?
Say HI to Mrs. Torres
Hang up your backpack
True or False- We can be as loud as we want during dismissal
Who fills the supply caddies?
The 3 Aesthetic Crew members
How do we walk through the halls?
A. Loud and Crazy
B. Quickly and quietly
What is Mrs. Torres's favorite color?
Do you need to check your supply caddies in the morning?
What do we do during dismissal?
Stack chairs
Sit quietly
When do the supply caddies need to be filled?
At the end of the day!
Can we talk to a friend while walking back to class?
NO, we might disrupt another class
What field trips are we taking this year?
St. Augustine
Where do lunch boxes go?
On top of the cubbies
Can we talk during dismissal?
Yes, as long as you are whispering and everyone can hear busses being called.
Only when Mrs. Torres is teaching!
Should we run in the halls?
Showing all the traits of AMMP
True or False- You may not work on unfinished work during morning work time.
Can you ride a different bus, just for fun?
NO! You MUST go home the way you are supposed to.
What is the proper way to collaborate?
Be respectful
Be kind
Think Win-Win
Everyone participates
Which direction should we be facing in line?
A. Forward
B. Backward
What is our first class goal?
To learn all class procedures!
What should you do if you are finished with your morning work?
A. Read a book
B. Break dance
Can we run around the room during dismissal?
How do we line up?
Wait quietly for Mrs. Torres to call our table
How should we behave at lunch?
Eat and talk to your friends quietly. Clean up after yourself!
What is the Florida state capitol?