Where does your yellow or pink folder go every morning?
The folder bucket
Where should my tickets go?
In the ticket chart?
What should I do when I want to talk?
Raise my hand
Where can I find the nurse passes?
In the nurse pass drawer?
Who is Mrs. Wells' married to?
What should you do in the morning?
Put folder away, make lunch choice, do morning work
What should I do if I finish early?
A when finished choice or read
What should I do in the hallway?
Walk quietly in a straight line
What are the names of the corners in the room?
Ariel, Cinderella, Rapunzel, Belle
What is Mrs. Wells' puppy's name?
Where does unfinished work go?
In your unfinished work folder
What should I do during dismissal?
Watch the movie quietly and wait for my bus
What should I do with a book from Mrs. Wells' library when I am done with it?
Put it in the box that matches the sticker on the inside cover
Where can I turn in my finished work?
In the green bin
Who are Mrs. Wells' two favorite Disney princesses?
Ariel and Cinderella
What should I have inside my desk?
Workbook, Unfinished work folder, writer's notebook, headphones, pencil box, markers (if they don't fit in box)
How should I treat others?
If I borrow Mrs. Wells' markers, what should I do with them when I am done
Put them inside the marker bin with the cap on in with the markers of the same color
Where is Mrs. Wells' favorite vacation spot?
Disney World
What does the student of the day get to do?
Be the line leader, take office folder down
Where can I find my mail?
In the rainbow mailboxes
What should I do when Mrs. Wells is talking/teaching?
If I don't use all the paper I took, where do I put it?
Back in the bin it came from
Who is Mrs. Wells' family?
Mom, Dad, Brandon, Connor, Rylan, Caiden, Phoebe, Hazel, Nala, Hokie, Jay, Rusty, Holden, Finn