Story Elements
The series of events in a story
What is plot?
Reading between the lines and reaching a deeper understanding of the message an author is trying to tell you is called this.
What is an inference?
In Amy Tan's "Two Kinds," Amy is the protagonist. The antagonist is this person.
Who is her mother?
This literary technique is used to allow a single character to express thoughts and feelings aoud.
What is a monologue ?
This term is used when discussing how important it is for students to gain solid reading foundation skills by the third grade, and stems from a concept outlined in the Bible.
What is the Matthew Effect?
Though Paw Paw, from Laurence Yep's "Ribbons" comes from China, the setting of the story is
What is San Francisco?
If a character, in a story, talks about going swimming to cool off, the reading can infer it is this time of year.
What is summer?
The patient girl and the quiet boy are an example of this.
What is direct characterization?
This is the academically correct term for the beginning of the story(HINT: THINK PLOT DIAGRAM)
What is the exposition?
When writing an argumentative essay, one should start with one of the following four attention grabbing opening statements as well as their position(opinion).
What is a shocking statement, a quotation, a statistic, or a rhetorical question?
Justifying one falsehood with another can often lead to feelings of remorse and desperation is an example of this from the story "Stolen Day" by Sherwood Anderson.
What is the theme?
One can infer that if they have not been brushing their teeth properly and their tooth hurts that they have this.
What is a cavity?
The acronym STEAL can be used to remember the 5 methods for showing indirect characterization. These are the 5 methods.
What are speech, thoughts, effect on others, action, looks?
A judge should be this is a courtroom; the word used to show they do not show any favor to one party or another.
What is impartial ?
Irony is when a situation is strange or funny because things happen in a way that seems to be the opposite of what you expected. The end of "The Celebrated Jumping Frogs of Calaveras County" is truly ironic because of this.
What is Jim gets taken by the stranger just as he kept "taking" others in his gambling. He got a taste of his own medicine?
This main character in the story "Celebrated Jumping Frogs of Calaveras County" was an avid gambler.
Who is Jim Smiley?
Dad laughs and shows me his hat with a tag inside labeled 6 7/8. "I used to wear a 7 3/8 ," he chuckles. "My head must be getting smaller . . . or maybe I just had more hair then!" We can infer the dad has this genetic disorder typical of older men?
What is baldness?
After Prim‟s name has been chosen out of the thousands of papers for the Reaping, Katniss doesn‟t hesitate to take action: “I reach her just as she is about to mount the steps. With one sweep of my arm, I push her behind me. „I volunteer!‟ I gasp. „I volunteer as tribute!‟ This is an example of this type of characterization.
What is indirect characterization. Bonus: Character trait
When we read for meaning we need to show points of this; either for or against a position, within the text.
What is evidence?
In “Ribbons,” Ian is relieved when he realizes that Grandmother speaks English. The reader can infer this detail about Ian.
What is he doesn't speak Chinese?
This cartoon/example represents this literary element: The hero must overcome a force of nature to meet his goal Sometimes the hero meets his goal and sometimes he does not.
What is conflict?
As the seat began to swing back and forth, Tom gripped the safety bar tightly and told himself not to look down. We can infer that Tom is here.
What is at the amusement park?
When studying Geronimo, we learned about his life before the massacre of his family and his life after. These two character traits can arguably describe him depending on how you look at the historical occurrences .
What are renegade or hero.
This is the term used to define word origins.
What is etymology?
Greek and Latin are major influences in the English language today because of these events.
What is Romans conquered territories and spread their language to many location?