Crying is a sign of what emotion.
What are 2 signs that someone is happy?
Smile, Laughter, jumping up and down, talking in an upbeat tone.
True or False, a common breathing exercise to calm yourself is to breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth
Name 2 coping skills you can use when you are angry.
Go for a walk, deep breathing, talk to someone, tap your fingers, take a break.
Can 2 different emotions have the same physical signs?
Laughing is a sing of what emotion?
What are 2 signs someone is sad?
Crying, sad face/frown, talking in a low tone, talking slow, slumped posture.
You might feel THIS way have nothing to do.
What is one thing you can do to decrease this emotion?
Call a friend, find something to do, clean, read a book
At Mountain Lake Academy, how long are you allowed to take a break from class for?
5 minutes
Name 2 signs that someone might be scared.
sweating, trembling, big eyes, shortness of breath, talking in quick sentences.
Angry or frustrated.
2 signs someone is angry?
Red face, clenched fists, pacing, mumbling under their breath, heavy breathing, flared nostrils
You might feel this way if you are going on vacation to your favorite place or if you have just won $10,000!!
Excited or happy!
If Julie was red in the face and breathing heavy, and clenching her fists, name something you could do.
Ask her is she is ok? Give her some space, suggest she take a break.
Taking 5, taking a nap, listening to music, journaling, going for a walk, talking to someone are examples of
coping skills or coping mechanisms
if someone has sweaty palms and a racing heart because they have to do a presentation, what emotion are they probably feeling?
Nervous or Anxious
2 signs someone is nervous.
red face, sweating, blotchy, pacing, heavy breathing, shaking, rapid breathing, shaky voice
You might feel this way if your brand new car was in a parking lot and you came out to find a huge dent in it!!
Angry or frustrated.
Is physical movement a good coping skill?
What are 3 things we can do to take care of our bodies
Eat healthy, exercise, drink water, get enough sleep, get fresh air
If a person is sitting in their favorite spot, reading their favorite book, without a care in the world, what emotion are they feeling?
relaxed ot content
2 signs someone is relaxed.
feet up, slow breathing, relaxed body posture,
You might feel this way if you really wanted a swimming pool and your neighbor, who you are not friends one.
envious or jealous
Can you control your emotions?
Can you control how you react?
No, you can't control your emotions.
Yes, you can control how you react.
Is it healthy to suppress, ignore or neglect your emotions.
No, you should acknowledge your emotions.