Ms. Bellini is cheering for Denmark if Italy gets cut from the Euros
Kyle's favorite animal for his pfp is a cat
What is a Gorilla
What is the name of your original teacher?
Who is Mr. Celestino
Ms. Bellini's favorite Jonas brother is Nick Jonas
What is NOT CAP
Which two students had a beauty and the best pfp at one point
Who are Lucy and Maria
Who is the Principal at St. David of Wales
Who is Mrs. De Silva
Ms. Bellini's favorite subject to teach is Science
What is CAP (History)
Who ruined Spongebob for Ms. Bellini when he changed his pfp?
Who is Jacksen D
How many People are in this class
What is 26
Burger King is the best place to get a Hamburger
Who is to blame of Ms. Bellini was murdered?
Who is Jorge
What is the name of the High School that most of you will be going to?
What is St. Josephs
Ms. Bellini is looking forward to seeing all of you over the next few days
What is NOT CAP :)
Who has never turned their camera on once for Ms. Bellini?
Who is the majority of you :P
How many years will you spend in High School?
What is 4 years