How do you say "Knee" in Spanish
La rodilla
What accent rule does the Spanish word "estomago" follow?
It follows Rule #3 because it ends with a vowel and it doesn't stress the second to last syllable.
In Spanish, conjugate the word "to write" in the present progressive.
In Spanish this English sentence, "Does your outer ear hurt" would sound like...
What is "who" in Spanish?
How do you say "Tooth" in Spanish
El diente
Does the word "Adonde" have an accent mark?
Yes because it is a question word.
In the sentence "I love running in the park." what tense is the word "running""
The present progressive. (corriendo)
In Spanish this English sentence, " I am dancing to the music" would sound like this.
Estoy bailando a la musica.
What is "how" in "Spanish?"
How do you say "Leg" in Spanish
La pierna
What does the word "Si" mean if it doesn't have an accent mark?
It means "if".
In Spanish, what question would a person ask to get the response "Yes, I like playing soccer."
Te gusta jugar al futbol?
In Spanish, this English sentence, "You are first in line" would sound like this.
Eres primero en la fila.
What letter has the accent mark in the question word "where?"
In the word "donde" the letter "o" receives the accent mark.
How do you say "Back" in Spanish
La espalda
Name accent rule #1.
Words that end in a vowel or n/s have a verbal stress on the second to last syllable.
How many forms does the word "doler" have and what are they?
Two forms "duele" and "duelen"
In Spanish, this English sentence, "My aunt likes walking to the park" would sound like this.
A mi tia le gusta caminar al parque.
What does "por que" mean?
How do you say "Inner ear" in Spanish
El oido
Say a word that follows accent rule #2
Answers will vary. (Rule #2 states that any word that ends with a consonant (not a vowel) other than N or S will stress the last syllable.)
In the present progressive tense, what is the rule when a word ends with "er/ir"
The "er/ir" is dropped and "iendo" is put in its place.
In Spanish, this English sentence, "They are eating food" would sound like this...
Estan comiendo comida.
What does "de donde" mean?
Where do you come from.