Central Idea
Text StructureELA.7.R.2.1
Types of Reasoning ELA.7.R.2.4
Purpose and Perspective ELA.7.R.2.3
Reading Across Genres ELA.7.R.3

(1)While most of us think "butcher-block" when we hear wood countertops, there is a case made for various hardwoods like maple, mahogany, and cherry, as well as currant popular choices like madrone.(2)Not only do these time-honored materials add a warm, cozy feel to any style kitchen, they can be refinished numerus times and will age beautifully.(3) Cost ranges from 30$-100$ per square foot.

Which line contains the two central ideas?

A. Line 1

B. Line 2

C. line 3

B. line 2 

(2)Not only do these time-honored materials add a warm, cozy feel to any style kitchen, they can be refinished numerus times and will age beautifully.


(1) Ferrets are very playful animals that act silly and express their love of life in a way that many of us find totally enchanting. (2) They explode out of their cages at play time, leaping and twisting and scampering, with an obvious joy that is contagious to the people observing them. (3) They require shots like other pets and can pass on the influenza virus if infected. (4) A young ferret has enormous energy. (5) It endears itself to its owner just by its way of moving, rather like a large, furry inchworm.

Which sentence contains a negative detail of ferret ownership?

Sentence 3:

(3) They require shots like other pets, and can pass on the influenza virus if infected


What type of reasoning begins with a specific observation and applies it to a broad conclusion?

Deductive, Inductive or Abductive?

This is inductive reasoning.


Bruen’s Bakery always has a line out the door. The bakery must sell delicious treats.


Check the apple's firmness. Pick up the apple and gently press a small area of the fruit's skin. It should be firm to the touch. Avoid apples that are noticeably soft, discolored, or indent easily after you press the skin.  Find eight or nine good ones and bring them to the register.  You will need at least that much to make a pie.

The purpose of this excerpt is to -

A.teach someone how to pick out apples.

B.teach someone how to peel an apple.

C.show someone where to purchase apples.

D.  encourage someone to make an apple pie. 

A. teach someone how to pick out apples.


Most parents will agree that sports are good for children.  In fact, many parents encourage their children to play certain sports. But recent studies have shown that young athletes who specialize in one sport and train intensively, have a significantly higher risk of stress fractures and other severe overuse injuries. It was found that young athletes who spend more hours per week than their age group playing one sport – such as a 12-year-old who plays tennis 13 or more hours a week – were 70 percent more likely to get serious overuse injuries of the back, shoulder or elbow, than other injuries.

Integrate the information from this excerpt.  What is the main argument?

A.Playing sports is harmful to your health. 

B.Back and shoulder injuries are more common than other injuries.

C.Children under the age of 12 should not play sports.

D.  Playing only one sport for too long a period of time may cause

D.  Playing only one sport for too long a period of time may cause injuries.

“But recent studies have shown that young athletes who specialize in one sport and train intensively, have a significantly higher risk of stress fractures and other severe overuse injuries.”


Dog owners can make dog parks better by not allowing their dogs to congregate at entrances and exits. Often, owners let their dogs excitedly rush up to any new dog who comes in, often resulting in a fight. Another way to make the park experience better is to keep moving with the dogs. Instead of standing around in clumps, move around. Often, if the owners keep moving, the dogs will, too.”

Choose TWO central ideas found in this text.

A.Dogs like to fight with each other.

B.Dogs shouldn’t gather at entrances and exits. 

C.Owners should keep their dogs mobile instead of stationary. 

D.  Owners need exercise just as much as their dogs need it. 

B.Dogs shouldn’t gather at entrances and exits. 

C.Owners should keep their dogs mobile instead of stationary. 


(1) Monarchs are large, beautifully colored butterflies that are easy to recognize by their striking orange, black, and white markings. (2) They live in North, Central, and South America as well as Australia, some Pacific Islands, India, and Western Europe. (3) The wingspan of a full-grown monarch can reach nearly five inches. (4) Scientists aren't sure how migrating monarchs know which way to go, since they only live a few months, and none makes the journey more than once.

Which sentence contains the BEST detail for further research?

(4) Scientists aren't sure how migrating monarchs know which way to go, since they only live a few months, and none makes the journey more than once.


I know twenty people from South Carolina, and they all have blond hair.  All people from South Carolina must have blond hair.

What type of reasoning is this?  Deductive, Inductive or Abductive?

This is abductive reasoning.


Snoring is a natural event for both people and animals. But, it can be very annoying to sleep around people who snore. People often say it is the “bane of their existence”.  Those who are around people who snore suffer from insomnia.  This is a sleep disorder that is characterized by having difficulty falling or staying asleep. 

The author uses a cause and effect structure to show - 

A.that snoring isn’t a problem.

B.that snoring occurs in dogs but not cats.

C.that snoring causes many arguments.

D.  that snoring causes insomnia in other people

D.  that snoring causes insomnia in other people.


Sleep is an essential component of health and well-being.  Accumulating evidence suggests that increased sleep duration and improved sleep quality in athletes are associated with improved performance and competitive success. In addition, better sleep may reduce the risk of both injury and illness in athletes, not only optimizing health, but also potentially enhancing performance through increased participation in training. Despite this, most studies have found that athletes fail to obtain the recommended amount of sleep, threatening both performance and health.

Integrate the information in this excerpt.  What is the main argument?

A.  Although sleep improves athletic performance and decreases chances of injury, most athletes don’t get enough sleep.

B.  Because athletes don’t get enough sleep, they have a tendency to get more injuries than non-athletes.

A.  Although sleep improves athletic performance and decreases chances of injury, most athletes don’t get enough sleep.


Persian cats, with their luxurious coats and open pansy-like faces are the number one breed in popularity. Their sweet, gentle, personalities blend into most households once they feel secure in their new environment. Creatures of habit, they are most at home in an atmosphere of security and serenity, but with love and reassurance, can easily adapt to the most boisterous of households.

Which answer has the two central ideas of this text?

A.Persians look like flowers and have long coats.  

B.Persians like noisy, energetic homes rather than quiet ones.

C.Persian is the only cat breed that can handle noisy households.

D.  Persian cats are very popular and can easily acclimate to most households.

D.  Persian cats are very popular and can easily acclimate to most households.


Do you want to purchase a new pet?  If so, a dog would be a good choice.  Dogs are loyal, and they are easy to train.  On the other hand, cats require a lot less effort because they don’t have to be let outside.  However, they are not as friendly as dogs.

Which is the text structure?

A. Problem and Solution
B. Narrative Text
C. Compare and Contrast
D. Step-by-Step Process

Do you want to purchase a new pet?  If so, a dog would be a good choice.  Dogs are loyal, and they are easy to train.  On the other hand, cats require a lot less effort because they don’t have to be let outside.  However, they are not as friendly as dogs.

Which is the text structure?

C. Compare and Contrast


What are fallacies in reasoning? (Informal)

Logical fallacies are errors found in the reasoning of an argument. The errors are often in the form of invalid arguments or are irrelevant or flawed points that undermine or weaken the argument.


The Life of Frederick Douglass by Andrew Loyd is a detailed account of Frederick Douglass’s life.  It is spun through written and verbal accounts from a variety of sources.  Frederick Douglass: Prophet of Freedom by David W. Blight used three autobiographies on Frederick Douglass as his main sources.  Both texts are interesting to read.

Which is the BEST source for someone who is looking for a factual account of Frederick Douglass’s life, Andrew Loyd’s book or David W. Blight’s?

David W. Blight’s because it was written from three autobiographies.


(1) There are several reasons why eliminating bed bugs is so difficult. (2) These tiny bugs multiply quickly, and they can go long periods of time without their preferred meal: human blood. (3) Bed bugs are hardy, small, flat, lentil-sized insects that are adept at squeezing themselves into tiny spaces. (4) They are commonly found hiding behind loose wallpaper or under floorboards or electrical switch plates. (5) Other insects may be easier to exterminate than bed bugs. (6) To successfully eliminate an infestation, you have to find and kill every viable bed bug, which is not an easy task.

Which sentence needs to be omitted because it is unnecessary and doesn’t help support the claim?

(5) Other insects may be easier to exterminate than bed bugs


Are you planning a trip this summer? If so, it is going to cost you more money to fill up your tank. Gas prices will increase in July. When oil and gas prices rise, so do other costs.  Production of food depends on oil and gas. Farmers need plenty of diesel fuel to run the tractors and combines that plant and harvest crops. In addition, most of our food is transported a very long distance, which isn’t cheap. Spring, on the other hand, may be a better time to take that trip.

 Why are food prices going to rise?

A.because people take too many trips in the summer

B.because gas prices are going up

C.because of the shortage with diesel fuel

D.  because farmers need more gas than other people

B. because gas prices are going up


(1) The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects the freedom of speech, religion and the press. (2) It also protects the right to peaceful protest and to petition the government. (3) Landmark Supreme Court cases have dealt with the right of citizens to protest U.S. involvement in foreign wars. (4) The amendment itself was adopted in 1791.  (5) Flag burning and the publication of classified government documents have also been the subjects of Supreme Court cases. 

Which sentences contain controversial details?  Choose more than one.

Sentences 3 and 5

(3) Landmark Supreme Court cases have dealt with the right of citizens to protest U.S. involvement in foreign wars.

(5) Flag burning and the publication of classified government documents have also been the subjects of Supreme Court cases.


Poodles are dogs.  Standard is a type of poodle.  Therefore, standards must be dogs.

What type of reasoning is this?  Deductive, Inductive or Abductive?

This is deductive reasoning.


(1) Arthur was excited about the interview, although there were seven other applicants in front of him. (2)  He smiled as he read over his resume. (3) Six years of experience will be hard to beat, he thought to himself.
(4) “Margery will help you pick out your office,” the manager said to applicant number seven.  
(5) Arthur picked up his briefcase and walked through the door.

(6) Better luck next time, he thought to himself. 

During which sentence does a change in the outcome begin?

(4) “Margery will help you pick out your office,” the manager said to applicant number seven.


(1) Since porcelain tile is made of finer clays, it is denser than ceramic tile and more durable, but this also makes it harder to cut. (2) Porcelain tile is generally more expensive to buy than ceramic tile. (3) Ceramic tile can be found in most department stores. (4) Because it is typically more durable than ceramic, porcelain tile is ideal for flooring and heavy-traffic areas

Which sentence needs to be omitted because it is unnecessary and doesn’t help support the claim?

(3) Ceramic tile can be found in most department stores.


What obstacles should I avoid when planting my orange tree? Patios will not be a problem because the soil beneath them is usually dry and compacted. Therefore, the roots will not grow into this area as much. You might not expect sewer and water lines to be a problem since they are buried deeply. But, since sewer and water lines tend to be wet, this may cause a problem.  Cement walls shouldn’t cause too much trouble.
What can be inferred in this excerpt?

A.Orange trees are more difficult to plant than lemon trees.

B.The soil beneath patios is dryer than beneath cement walls.

C.Tree roots are naturally drawn toward water. 

D.  Orange trees do not require much water to grow properly.  


(1) Humans have eaten land snails for centuries. (2) Snails are consumed in some parts of Europe, like France and Spain, where they are considered a delicacy. (3) However, some snails harbor parasites on their exterior that, once in the human body or that of other animals, can cause severe diseases. (4) People who cook land snails should observe the proper hygiene precautions to prevent these types of diseases.

This is persuasive text.  What is the author trying to persuade?

The author is trying to persuade food handlers to take hygienic precautions when cooking snails, so people won’t get sick.


(1) Mrs. Templeton told Veronica that she needed the report stat. (2) At the time, Veronica was eating lunch in the cafeteria.  (3) It was pizza day, and many students purchased slices.  (4) She finished her lunch, brought her tray to the counter, and hurried to the 5th floor.  (5) She typed the report and walked it over to Mrs. Templeton’s office just in time.  (6) Then, she took the elevator to the parking  lot, and drove home.

Which line is unnecessary and should be omitted?  
(a logical fallacy)

(3) It was pizza day, and many students purchased slices.


Keep in mind that while many U.S. students fritter away their summer vacations in unsupervised, unproductive, and unhealthy activities, students in other countries are hard at work—and they will be rewarded in the end.  When the Americans finally wake up, what do they do? They surf the Internet or play hours of mind-numbing video games (often violent ones) because no one is there to stop them. Or they plop onto living room couches and view hours of mediocre television programming while texting friends and munching unhealthy snacks.

What is the speaker implying?

A.Students from other countries play too many video games.

B.American students should not be allowed to play video games.

C.Students from other countries are getting ahead of Americans.

D.Americans work hard and will eventually be rewarded.

C.  Students from other countries are getting ahead of Americans.


It is difficult to overstate the extent to which term limits would change Congress. Term limits would alleviate many of America's most serious political problems by counterbalancing incumbent advantages, ensuring congressional turnover, securing independent congressional judgment, and reducing election-related incentives for wasteful government spending.

Why do you suppose members of Congress would be against term limits?

Because if there were term limits in Congress, they would not be able to hold their positions for a lifetime.
