Class Jobs
Class Rules
Class Procedures
Class Procedures
School Rules

What would a pencil monitor do? 

Sharpen any pencils at the end of the day if needed.


What does being responsible look like?

- Being prepared.

- Taking care of school property and classroom materials. 

- Organizing time well.

- Doing their best.


What does lining up look like?

- Leave our chairs and walk quietly to line up at the door. 

- Don't touch anyone in line or while getting to the line. 

- Keep voice level at a minimum. 


Asking for help

-Raising your hand and waiting to be called on. 


What if I'm late to school? 

CHECK IN AT THE FRONT OFFICE! After checking in at the office, quickly and quietly come to class. 


What does a desk cleaner do?

Cleans the desks each day with the solution and wipes them down. Reminds students to keep the top of their desk clean. 


What does being respectful look like?

- Listen while others are talking. 

- Treating others the way you want to be treated. 

- Follow directions the first time. 


What would bathroom procedures look like?

- Asking teacher for permission by the raise of hand. 

- Being appropriate and respectful in the bathroom. 


Cleaning up  at the end of the day.

-Everyone does their own job and makes sure their desk area is ready to go for the following day.

-Cubbies should be completely emptied and all belongings should be taken home. 


I rode my bike/scooter to school, where does it go?

There is a bike rack where scooters and bikes can be parked before school and retrieved after school. 

 Students should walk bikes and scooters while on school grounds and in crosswalks.


What does the messenger do?

When asked by a teacher, quickly and quietly delivers a message if needed. 


What does a good listener look like?

- Eyes are watching the presenter. 

- Ears are listening. 

- Lips are closed. 

- Hands are still. 

-Feet are quiet. 


Coming and Going

- Being respectful of property, and body space. 

- Noise level should be kept at a minimum.

- Find your desk and sit until further notice. 

-If leaving, line up quickly and quietly. 


Classroom Library & Calm Corner

Only one person should be at these places at a time. 

Early to school?

If you're early to school, you can play outside or sit in the classroom QUIETLY until school starts. If you choose to sit in the classroom, morning work is expected to be worked on and completed. 


What would a calendar monitor do?

Change the calendar each month and remember upcoming birthdays of classmates. 


What does being a safe student look like?

- Hands to themselves.

- Being kind to each other online and in person.

- All chair legs on the floor.

- Walking not running. 


Turning in assignments.

- Google Classroom, Reflex, Iready

-Turn it in basket on Mrs. Garners' desk. 


Going to lunch?

-Lunch will start at 11:50. Lunch Monitor should grab the lunch bin and walk it to the lunch room. The lunch monitor will also help other students to remember lunchtime rules and appropriate behavior. Students need to wait to be dismissed for lunch and can not automatically leave. 


It's Specialities

-Expected to enter the room quietly.

- Sit down and listen for directions, then follow them quietly.

-Leave your classroom cleaner than you found it.

-Leave quickly, as there is another class coming in. 


What would the Star of the week do? 

Will watch for another student's appropriate behavior. Each Friday, they will pick a new star of the week student for the following week. 


What does it mean to participate?

- Raising hands, then waiting to be called on.

- Following directions the first time. 

- Listening for directions. 

- Engaging with class mate or team. 


What should a desk look like each day?


-No papers on top, except your punch card 

-Papers organized inside with no trash.

-Name tags should not be played with, if they look gross, I will rip them off.


Oh no! There's a fire!

Any drills that are done (fire, lockdown, earthquake etc.) will be instructed by the teacher. Watch for the teacher instruction and follow the directions the first time. 


What do I do at lunch?

-Wash or sanitize hands.

-Sit at an assigned grade level table. 

-Eat your own food properly.

-Clean up your own area properly and throw trash away. 
