Where do you hand in all work and assignments?
The hand-in bin beside the focus room. Hand in your work in the correct labeled block.
How many people are allowed out of the room at one time?
The sign up is located on the back wall near the paper towel.
What should we do to the chairs at the end of the day on Mondays and Fridays?
Stack the chairs up on top of your desks.
How many people can use the focus room?
2 people maximum for 30 minutes during independent work time.
Sign up list is on the white board.
Who will remind you to check for missed work?
No one! You are responsible for missed work and checking in the absent binder.
Where is the best place to check assignment due dates?
What must you have if you get permission to leave the room?
A hall pass.
If Ms. Chen doesn't say hi to you after you come in late, what should you do?
Say hi to Ms. Chen when appropriate (i.e., after she's done instruction).
Is food and drinks allowed in the focus room?
No food or drinks in the focus room except water.
Keep the focus room clean by putting your trash in the bin and not leaving ANYTHING behind.
How can I get in touch with Ms. Chen?
But it may take up to 48 hours for a response.
Where can I find supplies and materials?
Absence binder will be beside the tea station for missed work.
Art supplies (pencil crayons, paper, etc.) will be on wall under the homework board.
If you know you will be absent on a certain day what do you do?
Let Ms. Chen know at least a day before either with a note or email from your guardians or make sure your guardians contact the front office to excuse you.
When is it appropriate to use the electric pencil sharpener?
When no one is addressing the class and when a video isn't playing (basically when it is independent work time).
Can I use my devices in the focus room?
All devices must be handed to Ms. Chen when using the focus room unless permitted.
If you have an important form or note, how can you make sure Ms. Chen receives it?
Give it to her directly, or email her.
Where are the orange safety bag and name sign located?
Under Ms.Chen's tea station by her desk. The student who is sitting closest to it is responsible for it in the event of an emergency or a drill.
What do you do if you missed work?
1. Ask your classmates what you missed
2. Check the absence binder for any missed worksheets.
3. If needed, check with Ms.Chen about what you missed ONLY after completing the first two steps.
What happens if your phone is being used inappropriately?
It goes straight to jail for the rest of class or for the rest of the day.
Phones should not be used unless Ms. Chen permits it.
Who gets priority for using the focus room?
Priority will be given to those who have not used it before so that everyone has a chance to use it.
Is there a class Teams?
Yes, but the class has not been created yet by the school district.
Ms. Chen will try her best to update it, but life happens.
If you make a mess, where do you find the supplies to clean it up?
At the back of the room on top of the filing cabinets.
Is Ms. Chen trained in first aid?
Please don't do anything dangerous because I can't save you.
Can I eat in the classroom?
Yes, but I don't want you eating anything messy in the room. Snacks and drinks are OK as long as you clean up after yourself.
As soon as I see one mouse dropping in the room no one can eat in here ever again.
What is the biggest rule of the focus room?
Be respectful. We are fortunate to have a unique work space so please do not damage the inside of the room.
What happens if I hand in something late?
Talk to Ms. Chen and explain your reasoning.
I am reasonable and know life happens but I will not be chasing you down for your missed work. It is your responsibility and if the work is not handed in, you will not get marks for it.