To get, to earn
What is acquire?
To be left out; univited
What is exclude?
When you see or hear something that isn't there
What is hallucinating?
Having to do with money
What is monetary?
A person who seeks revenge
What is vincictive?
To back away in fear and to crouch down
What is to cower?
To be attached or embedded
What is entrenched?
Being kind
What is genial?
When you follow the 10 Commandments and don't lie, steal or cheat
What is morality?
To do something exactly right
What is precisely?
To show brave actions
What is courageously?
To make feel less than human
What is dehumanize?
The opposite of what is expected.
What is irony?
What is liberation or liberty?
A word that means "after"
What is post?
Something really terrible
What is abominable?
When the reader knows what is happening but the characters do not
What is dramatic irony/
Very interesting, curious
What is intrigue?
Being a little bit sad and mournful
What is melancholoy?
When you feel cautious or suspicious
What is wary?
Demanding people obey and no choices for the people
What is authoritarian?
Finishing the job every time and doing it right
What is diligence?
Words carved, inscribed or written
What is an inscription?
To make ineffective, like it doesn't matter
What is negate?
To think of a person or a situation in a particular way that may be different from the way others think
What is to percieve?