If you need a pencil, what do you do?
Get a pencil from your caddy OR the bucket on Ms. Collins' desk if there are no more.
What should you bring to class with you DAILY?
Homework folder, reading folder, reading notebook, writing notebook, pencil, and a FULLY CHARGED chromebook
When should Thursday folders be returned?
What is the most important rule in Ms. Collins' room?
Be kind and respectful at ALL TIMES
What are the two times you DO NOT have to ask to use the restroom?
In the morning BEFORE 7:25 and on the way to lunch
What should you do when you enter my classroom in the morning?
Come in silently, read the board, complete all tasks SILENTLY.
How should you behave in specials?
Listening and following all directions that the teacher gives you
When can you go to the library?
During STAR time on YOUR group day
When you borrow supplies, where should they go when you are done?
Can Ms. Collins choose to take away your silent lunch/ time on the wall if you are going above and beyond to change your behavior?
When we walk in the hall, what should I expect to see from my line?
Silent line, walking one behind the other, personal space, hands by your side
What should you be doing during morning meeting?
Sitting, watching the speaker, being an active participant
When is it okay to leave things in Ms. Collins' room once you switch classes/ leave for the day?
If you do not finish your classwork, who is responsible for getting it done at home?
What happens if you are talking during a test or quiz?
You get a ZERO
During STAR time, what are you doing and what should Ms. Collins see?
Reading independently, silently, spaced out from others in the room
If you are completing work with a partner, what happens if you are goofing off/ off task?
You will go back to your seat and work alone
If you make a mess in Ms. Collins' room, what should you do?
Where can you eat your snack?
What happens if you are talking after Ms. Collins has asked you to do something silently?
You get silent lunch
When we return from specials, what should happen as soon as we get back to the room?
Silently packing up 100% of our materials, cleaning our area, and lining up ready for lunch. ALL SILENTLY
How many pillows can you have when sitting around the room AND what happens if you fight over one?
ONE pillow and NEITHER person gets the pillow
When you are on IXL, what should you be working on? (unless Ms. Collins tells you otherwise)
MAP Study Program for READING
Never, raise your hand from your desk and wait to be called on.
What can you do if you get a grade back on CLASSWORK that you are not happy with?