should be put away out of sight at all times
How many time can you use the bathroom during this class in a week
once a week
how well made your artwork is
Name a primary color
red, blue, yellow
where does your backpack go
in your locker
what do you do when you walk in the classroom
get your work and start on your bellwork
How many of your classes do you have to pass in order to go to the next grade
All of them
what is the room number for this classroom
name 3 things you need to have at all times
ID, Avid binder, Chromebook
what do you do before you leave the classroom at the end of class
put your stuff away
when can you no longer turn in late work
two weeks after it's due
name a secondary color
green, orange, purple
What does the 10X10 rule mean
no leaving the classroom in the first or last 10 minutes
Where is the only place you can get supplies without asking
student table
Work ethic is a major part of which grading criteria
Attitude/ effort
how do you get green
mix blue and yellow
What is the consequence for Distracting other students to a point of interfering with learning.(Talking, making noises,etc.)
Office referral
Where does your artwork go at the end of the class period
In the drawer on your class's side
Which grading criteria am I looking for to tell that you learned during the lesson
Understanding content
how do you make brown
Mix all of the primary colors