What are the names of the 8 debate positions?
Opposition Leader, Deputy Opposition Leader, Opposition Whip, Opposition Reply
What is a Hasty Generalization?
Making an assumption or conclusion based on a small or singular example.
Which teacher's classroom is right next to ours?
Mr. Desmond
What color are 95% of Ms. Elyse's clothes?
What is the fastest animal?
What is Slippery Slope?
Assumptions that if something happens, it will lead to a severe but unrelated consequence.
What are the names of the 4 woman English teachers?
Ms. Elyse, Ms. Dytria, Ms. Charlotte and Ms. Vicky
How many siblings does Ms. Elyse have?
What is Circular Reasoning?
Circular reasoning is where the reason is also the supporting evidence.
Ex. I think she's the best because she's my favorite.
How many rooms on the 7th floor are CDI classrooms? (Not Grammar)
What's a job Ms. Elyse used to have (besides teacher)?
What was the first animal to go into orbit around the earth?
A dog! (Laika)
What is Strawman Fallacy?
You misrepresented someone's argument to make it easier to attack.
By exaggerating, misrepresenting, or just completely fabricating someone's argument, it's much easier to present your own position as being reasonable, but this kind of dishonesty serves to undermine honest rational debate.
How many CDI Songdo English teachers are not American?
How can you say Ms. Elyse's family name?
Where is the longest land border on earth?
Between the US and Canada!
What is the Fallacy of Division?
Just because something is true of a whole, it is also true of every part. IE, the Earth is covered in water, so everywhere on the earth is underwater.
Who is the tallest person at CDI Songdo?
John teacher
Which US state is Ms. Elyse from?