This is the grade you are about to finish
What is 5th grade
This is the first topic we learned about in Science this year
What is the scientific method
Cats and memes
Who is Ms. Day
This student brought a speaker to Advisory earlier in the year.
Who is Bentley
This is the town where the school is located
What is Plymouth
This is the year you will graduate from High School.
What is 2028
The periodic table is a way to organize these tiny pieces of matter
What are elements
Who is Mr. Walker
A student in Ms Grez's Advisory who looks very similar to somebody in Mr Howard's Advisory.
Who is Jordan
Most of the students at Rising Tide live in Plymouth. This town is the next in line.
If somebody is delivering a package to the school, they would use this address.
What is 59 Armstrong rd.
Plants are different than animals. They can make their own _________
What is food
Who is Ms. Grez
A female student who just had an older sibling graduate from High School
Who is Lula
If you go south and cross the canal, you will be on this part of Massachusetts.
What is The Cape
This is the number of 5th grade Advisors
What is 6
Apart from dealing with dead organisms, these living things can help make yogurt and cheese
What are decomposers
Room 270
Who is Ms. MacKinnon
A Grezzly who recently moved here from California
Who is Millie
The town that comes right after Plymouth to the north
What is Kingston