How many books are in the bible
How many main sections of the Bible are there
About how many authors were “inspired by God” to write their portion of the Bible
About 40 different
Who studies and follow the Old and New Testaments
Some authors of the Bible included
Kings, farmers, Fishermen
Old and New Testament
What is the Holy Bible
is a collection of ancient scriptures that claim to be inspired by God
Who only studies and follow the Hebrew Bible
Did all the people know each other who wrote the Bible
No many did not even know each other
what is the fourth book of the Bible
How many Books are in the New Testament
what is scripture
Scripture is a sacred writing that is connected to God
The Hebrew Bible is another word for what Christians call
The Old Testament
What are Other names for the Bible
The Holy book
The good book
God's word
The law
what is the second book of the Bible
How many books are in the Old Testament
What is a Testament
A testament in the Bible is an agreement, contract or covenant, specifically between God and man.
What animal is a Christian symbol representing Jesus
people who wrote each sacred writing claim to be directly led by God or influenced by God
what are the first five books of the Bible
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
The Old Testament records the history of God’s agreement or special promise to the people of Israel, through the Law.
Is the The Holy Book another word for the Bible ?
The Star of David Represents who
King David