Intricate Grammar
Tricky Collocations
Obscure Vocabulary
Strange Topics
Distantly related TRIVIA

Traslate the underlined sentences into English using correct forms of WILL or BE GOING TO:

1) Chceš zajít na kafe? Nemůžu, jdu k doktorovi.

2) Nemáš žízeň? – Ne, ale donesu ti něco k pití.

3) Hmm, nějak se zatáhlo... myslím, že bude pršet.

1) … I can't, I'm going to go to the doctor's.

2) … No, but I will bring you something to drink.

3) … I think it's going to rain.


The verbs do, make and take are very common in English.

Make 1 sentence which each verb.

I do my homework every night.
She makes delicious cookies for the party.
We take the bus to school every morning.


Translate the word "NEMLUVNĚ" into English.



Give examples of 3 unusual hobbies.

Extreme ironing, competetive dog grooming, geocaching, trainspotting, ghost hunting, ostrich racing…


Which sport was played in the first video game?


The first video game ever created was called "Tennis for Two" and was created by physicist William Higinbotham in 1958. The game was played on an oscilloscope and allowed players to control paddles and volley a ball back and forth.

!!! PONG is also a possible answer since the above was not necessatily commercial.

Make 3 sentences using 3 different past tenses

Possible tenses:
- Past simple
- Past continuous
- Past perfect simple
- Past  perfect continuous

I was eating dinner when I received a call from my friend who had just returned from a month-long trip to Europe that he had been planning for years.


Compound nouns are nouns that are composed of two or more words.
These words are usually connected with a hyphen or combined into one word.

Give 3 examples of such nouns.

Possible answers:

Football, soundtrack, chocolatechip, high school


Translate the word "SLAŇOVÁNÍ" into English.



Pick two types of houses and compare them. 

Make 5 sentences minimum.

1. A mansion is typically a large, luxurious home with multiple bedrooms and bathrooms, while an apartment is a smaller living space within a larger building with shared amenities.
2. Mansions are usually sprawling properties with large yards or gardens, while apartments are typically situated in urban areas with limited outdoor space.
3. Mansions tend to be more expensive to purchase or rent due to their size and amenities, while apartments are more affordable options for individuals or small families.
4. Mansions offer more privacy and exclusivity, while apartments offer a sense of community and convenience with nearby neighbors. 5. Overall, the choice between living in a mansion or an apartment comes down to personal preferences, budget, and lifestyle.


At what age does a brain fully develop? 

(permitted difference = 3 years)


The human brain does not fully develop until around the age of 25. This process, known as brain maturation, is a gradual and ongoing process that continues into early adulthood. The prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain responsible for decision-making, impulse control, and social behavior, is one of the last regions to fully develop. This is why teenagers and young adults may exhibit behaviors such as risk-taking and impulsivity, as their brains are still developing and fine-tuning these functions.


We use the 2nd conditional sentences to talk about our unrealistic wishes or to imagine present or future situations that are impossible or unlikely in reality.

Create such a sentence.

1. Conditional clause
= IF + past perfect

2. Result clause
= WOULD + Infinitive(without "to")

If I was a millionaire, I would live in a fancy villa.


Some nouns are formed by adding or changing suffixes to a verbs or adjectives.

Give 5 examples of such nouns.

Possible answers:

sad – sadness, teach – teacher, operate – operation, enjoy – enjoyment, happy – happiness, continue – continuty


Translate the word "STERILNÍ KRYTÍ" into English.



What stages of life does a person go through?
Give examples of 6 stages minimum.

A fetus, a newborn, an infant, a toddler, a pre-schooler, a pre-teen, a teen, a young adult, an adult, a middle-aged adult, an elderly, a centanarian.


In which year was the QWERTY keyboard layout designed?

(permitted difference = 50 years)


The QWERTY keyboard layout was designed in the 1870s by Christopher Sholes, the inventor of the typewriter. The layout was designed to prevent typewriter keys from jamming by placing commonly used letters apart from each other.


We use past modals to talk about actions or events that happened before a specific point in the past.
They are used to show certainty, possibility, necessity, or permission in relation to a past time.

Create sucha sentence.


I should have studied more before the exam.
She could have taken the earlier train.


A phrasal verb is a verb that is composed of a main verb and one or more particles (such as prepositions or adverbs).
Fill in the phrasalverb into the sentence below:

I hope you can ____________ your reputation as a reliable and hardworking employee. (to match or equal)

I hope you can live up to your reputation as a reliable and hardworking employee.


Translate the word "ZCHÁTRALÝ" into English.



When do you start CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and how do you do it?

1. If a person is unconscious, not breathing, and has no pulse.
(Esoecially if there is evidence of a cardiac arrest, drowning, suffocation, traumatic injuries etc.)

2. CPR
- Check the scene: ensure the area is safe for both you and the person needing help.
- Check for responsiveness.
- Call for help.
- Open the airway: tilt the person's head back and lift their chin to open their airway.
- Check for breathing: place your ear close to their mouth and nose to listen for breathing.
- Perform chest compressions.


Laughing is good for your health - it can boost the immune system, lower stress levels, and even help reduce pain by releasing endorphins.

What do we call a study of laughter?
a) Ichthyology
b) Gelotology
c) Lepidopterology
d) Dendrology


a) Ichthyology = Fish
b) Gelotology = LAUGHTER
c) Lepidopterology = Butterflies
d) Dendrology = Trees


What is the difference between future perfect and future continuous?

Illustrate the sentences on examples.

We use the future continuous tense to talk about actions or events that will be happening at a specific future time.
For example, "I will be studying for my exams tomorrow."

We use the future perfect tense to talk about actions that will be completed by a specific future time.
For example, "By the time you arrive, I will have finished cooking dinner."


Many adjectives are followed by a preposition.
With some adjectives, the preposition changes, example of this being a word "happy".

What is the difference between to be unhappy with and to be unhappy about?
Explain the difference by making up 2 sentences.

I am unhappy with Jane. (= somebody)
Iam unhappy about my test. (= something)


Translate the word "ŘADOVÝ DŮM" into English.



Describe a short recipe:
- The final product needs to be a warm meal.
- Whole meal needs to be made from scratch.

(NOT talking about: scrambled eggs, boiled eggs, sunny-side eggs, poached eggs, baked eggs, toasts etc.)

Possible answer:


1. In a large mixing bowl, combine the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt.

2. In a separate bowl, whisk together the milk, melted butter, and egg.

3. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and stir until just combined. It's okay if there are lumps in the batter.

4. Heat a skillet or griddle over medium heat and add a little bit of butter or oil to coat the surface.

5. Pour about 1/4 cup of batter onto the skillet for each pancake.

6. Cook until bubbles form on the surface of the pancake, then flip and cook for another 1-2 minutes on the other side, until golden brown.

7. Repeat with the remaining batter, adding more butter or oil to the skillet as needed.

8. Serve the pancakes warm with your favorite toppings, such as maple syrup, fruit, or whipped cream. Enjoy!


The houses in middle-ages were made of "mudbricks".
This material was made by mixing mud or clay with water and straw.

What do we call mudbricks in Czech?

Also known as vepřovky, vepříky or kotovice.
