work quietly
How should I complete my work in class?
My phone is on and I am using it in class.
What is no electronic devices(cell phones) during class?
My assignment or project is due on a certain date.
Why should I submit assignments on time?
Racial Justice, African Kings and queens, Slavery, Civil Rights Movement, Black Lives Matter Movement
what is Black History?
Complete all work
What is learning?
Pick up trash, keep desk straight, pack up materials
How do I maintain or keep the room clean?
Enter and exit class quietly leaving room clean and orderly
How should I come in and leave the class?
TCI and Google Classroom
Where should I submit assignments electronically?
Alphabet, Olympics, Gods (Zeus etc)
What is Greece?
Use nice and kind words
What is respect?
Bring charged laptop, paper, pencils and paper to class daily
What is being prepared for class?
Candy and gum in class
Why should I not eat candy or chew gum in class?
Where will I find my weekly assignments and announcements?
Christianity, Democracy, Aqueducts, Roads
What is Rome?
I have my laptop, pencil, and paper
What is being prepared?
No talking back to teacher and be positive with everyone in class.
What is respecting all adults and peers in class?
Work only on academic work on your laptop during class. Do not go to any non educational sites on your laptop.
How do I use technology appropriately?
Plagiarism, copying someone else's work or making excuses about work completion and not completing work at all or on time and submitting it in the wrong place
Why did I not receive credit on my assignment?
Shoguns, warriors, Buddhism, Confucianism
What is China and Japan?
Arrive to class on time each day
What is being present and punctual?
Wear your mask and keep socially distance without touching each other or other's supplies
What is being safe?
I need to get up to go somewhere or I have to say something.
why should I raise my hand to speak or leave my seat?
80-89%- B
70-79%- C
What is the grading scale?
Scientific Revolution, Enlightenment, Renaissance
What is Europe?
Asking for help and sharing concerns
What is using my resources to be successful?