Thinking Traps
OCD True or False
Coping Skills

Why is the binocular trap called the binocular trap? 

It makes stuff seem bigger - it starts small and then gets bigger.


What are 3 negative emotions and 3 positive emotions?

Angry, Upset, Sad and Happy, Excited, Funny


True or False: This is what OCD stands for - Orange Cool Drink.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder


Name 3 feelings coping skills can help with

Anxious, upset, frustrated


Beau is really scared to be alone in his house and never leaves his parents side. What is an exposure activity you would suggest for Beau to work on his fear?

Try to be in a room alone for 5 minutes, be home alone for 10 minutes, etc.


Name this thinking trap: You think bad things are going to happen when they are not

Crystal Ball or Fortune Telling

What's the difference between quiet and shy?

Quiet means you are doing your own thing without talking to people. Shy means you are trying to blend in with other people around, like a chameleon. 


True or False: An obsessive/OCD thought is about something positive or happy

False! Obsessive Thoughts for people with OCD are about things that worry them 

Name this coping skill: You squeeze and release

Lemon Squeezes, Progressive Muscle Relaxation, Tense and Relax


Kiki has trouble with dirt. She hates touching anything dirty like floors, door knobs or even giving high fives. What could Kiki work on to help her feel better about touching something dirty?

Practice touching dirty things around her, looking at dirty things, or smelling dirty things


Name the thinking trap that is based on an animal and one example of that thinking trap thought.

Zebra/Black and White Thinking


What is the difference between funny and silly?

Funny means you are laughing and making up jokes. Silly means you are going crazy and your body is out of control


True or False: OCD makes you feel very funny

False! OCD makes you feel like you get stuck on thoughts and worried 


What is the coping skill called that encourages you to wait to do a compulsion or worry habbit?

Timer or Delay


John feels like he has to do everything three times or else something bad will happen. How would you help John with an exposure activity?

Try the "wish it" strategy, only do something two times, do something once, or don't do it at all

What thinking trap makes you feel like people are saying mean things about you behind your back? 

Mind Reading 


This feeling happens when you are startled and extremely scared. Someone may feel this way when they confront something they are really fearful of.



True or False: Only adults can have OCD

False! Kids, teenagers, or adults can have OCD. 


If someone's OCD thought or worry makes them do a compulsion, like checking, washing, or avoiding, how could a strategy like "Wish it" help them? 

"Wish It" strategy is when someone wishes their worry to come true to test if it will really happen. It can help us know that our worries are not real.


Katie started exposure therapy for her worries about spiders and snakes. Her therapist told her to practice looking at snake pictures to help her build her confidence for facing her fear. Katie tried to look at a snake picture one time this week but did not feel any better about her worries. What would you suggest for Katie to do?

Practice her exposure activity more! It is important to have daily practice or practice a few times in a week to overcome your fears or compulsions

What thinking trap makes you believe that you have done something wrong or people are gossiping about you? 


What is the fear center of our brain called?

Amygdala or "Amy" for short


True or False: Exposure Therapy is something that can help with OCD

True! Exposure Therapy helps someone with OCD practice their anxiety by facing their fears slowly and building up coping skills and confidence! 


Name this coping skill: You acknowledge bad thoughts and let go of them 

Mindfulness or Distracting Yourself or Walking Away


Alex becomes panicked everytime someone coughs in their classroom. They start to have sticky thoughts about getting sick, throwing up, or going to the hospital. Alex's Parents think they should go to therapy but Alex is too afraid. What would you tell Alex about exposure therapy and how it helps OCD?

Exposure therapy is hard but it helps practice anxiety and builds up our confidence against worries. It takes time to learn strategies but it is supposed to help you learn about how to help the nervous part of your brain start to relax. 
