Define mystery.
An overabundance of reality
A covenant is a promise between God and His people.
How many "Testaments" are there in the Bible?
2 Testaments, the Old and the New
What does Lectio Divina mean?
Divine Reading
Define problem.
Caused by a lack of information.
What is salvation history?
Salvation history is the story of the covenants between God and His people. You are included in this.
You are given the book of the Bible, the chapter, and the verse to look up. What part of the Bible will help you begin this task?
You will look to the table of contents to find the first page of the book you are looking for.
What is the purpose of using art to teach faith?
Art inspires our desire for something beautiful. This leads to God.
Define faith.
Belief/trust in God.
Who are some of the people that God made covenants with in the Old Testament?
Abraham, Moses, David
On a timeline, "BC" means...
"Before Christ"
Who said, "God is True, Beautiful, and Good?"
St. Augustine
Define reason.
The power of the human mind to understand by logic.
Which New Testament person completes all the Old Testament covenants?
On a timeline, "AD" means...
Anno Domini, or, In the Year of Our Lord
Ms. Kunath used the hot chocolate example to explain what about the relationship between science and religion???
They ask different questions. Science asks the how, and religion asks the why.
What did the sponge stand for in the sponge example?
The human ability to understand God.
What is a saint?
A person who lives a holy life. We are all called to live holy lives.
The Bible is the Word of ________.
Ms. Kunath used the sponge example to explain what?
A mystery