Introducing an irrelevant and distracting piece of information
Red herring
Changing the meaning of a word in the middle of an argument
Claiming something is true since no one can give evidence to the contrary
Proof by Lack of Evidence
Urging people to so something because we feel bad or sorry
Appeal to Pity
Dismissing a person's point because the person is inconsistent on that point
Tu Quoque
Asserting that a person must choose between two options when more options are available
Either- Or
Generalizing about a whole group based on a small or poor sample
Hasty Generalization
Saying a message again and again, louder and louder, hoping we will believe it
Claiming your point is valid because many people agree with it
Appeal to the People
Asking a question which assumes the answer to another question already
Loaded Question
Claiming that some items (or ideas) with small similarities are similar in most or all areas
Weak Analogy
Pressuring us to do something just because other people are doing it
Attacking a person's character or motives instead of debating the argument
Ad Hominem
Assuming that if we take one step, nothing will stop us from taking a series of steps
Slippery Slope
Assuming that since event A happened before event B, event A caused event B
Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc
Placing an artificial time constraint as a reason for us to do something desired
Exaggerating, Downplaying, or otherwise changing an opponent's position to make it easier to refute
Straw Man
Trying to prove a conclusion by restating it.
Circular Reasoning
A cloud is 90% water, as is a watermelon. Since an airplane can fly through a cloud it must be able to fly through a watermelon.
Weak Analogy
Encouraging us to think that a product would make us better than others or make us stand out
Snob Appeal