3 roles of OM
- process optimisation and efficiency
- managing resources
- quality control and customer satisfaction
what is another name for job production
name 2 measures of quality
- level of product returns
- reject rates
- product recalls
- level of customer satisfaction/ loyalty
- market share
operations management
*right quality and quantity* *cost effective* *timely*
Who advocated for just in time production
the former toyota executive Taiichi Ohno
HR implications
- changes in production methods can cause a change in workforce size
- motivation can be affected ( mass production)
- some job production types need training
explain the basic flow production process
inputs (labour and materials)--> process --> outputs --> storage or sale
methods of quality management
- quality circles
- benchmarking
philosophy and process that requires the dedication of everyone in an organisation to commit to achieving quality standards.
What does muda mean (lean production)
marketing implications
- better output could mean premium markets
- packaging, physical evidence and people also play an important part in the overall marketing mix
- promotional strategy
2 advantages and disadvantages of mass and flow production
- large volumes of output
- cost-effective
- low defect rate
- low labour costs
- monotonous
- limited choice
- infexible
what is cradle to cradle and what is the opposite?
cradle to cradle: sustainable model of natural processes thus benefiting the environment
cradle to grave
*A business approach that meets current needs without harming future generations.*
Who is Walter R. Stahel
Swiss architect who coined the term cradle to cradle
finance implication
- lean production methods have heavy investment
- investment appraisal techniques
- sources of finance
- contingency funds
pros and cons of job production
- quality
- motivation
- flexibility
- uniqueness
- variety of choice
- time consuming
- labour intensive
- long time lag
- few economies of scale
- irregularity of orders
four steps of Demming's philosophy
- plan
- do
- check
- act
*The difference between the cost of inputs and the selling price of a product.*
Added Value
who is the father of quality management
Professor W. Edwards Deming
explain the transformation/ process process
factors of production (land, labour and capital)--> production (value added) --> output (goods and services)
pros and cons of batch production
- economies of scale
- specialisation
- variety
- reduce risks
- storage
- boredom
- inflexibiity
- high production costs
impact of TQM on an organisation
- improved motivation
- better reputation
- improved chances of survival
- needs all employees to be commited
- there is a time lag
- bureautic system
*A proactive approach to ensuring quality throughout the production process.*
Quality Assurance
name 1 national/ internation quality standard
- CE mark
- ASQ award
- BSI Kitemark
- The lion mark