What do you do when you finish a book?
Fill out a bookmark
Who has the special hand signal for toots?
What day does Ms. Marshall's study hall have coverage and with who?
Thursdays with Mrs Bradley
How should you go from the portable to the main building? (two things)
Quietly and walking
What is it called when you have books you want to read after you finish the book you're reading?
Next List
Which day do we have library?
Who is hosting the next dance?
Seventh grade
You keep all the money for your Boston trip next year!
What should the noise level be when we are independently reading? (not on the chart)
Who brought in food and drinks and served the class on Friday, December 20th?
Khia and Olivia
What day do we give our classroom Book Talks?
What happens on Friday during ELA
First Chapter Friday
Whose nickname is Grandpa?