When we do independent reading, how long do we read for?
10 minutes
This colored zone means phones can be out and it's free time.
Green Zone
Where do you turn in papers?
Back of the room in your period's box
If someone waits to turn something in after the assignment is due, how likely is it that they will turn it in?
Not likely
How many students should be in the hallway/bathroom at a time?
How much of a page do you have to write during the week?
1/2 a page
In this zone, phones can be used for music only but cannot be on desks.
Yellow Zone
Students are allowed to have this in the classroom, but should not distractingly share with others.
Using this to write your essay will result in a zero.
AI or Chat GPT
What technique can you use if you are feeling overwhelmed?
Deep breaths in and out for 4 seconds each
What are the two places you can get books to read?
Ms. Mayforth's classroom library and the school's library
This is the maximum time period for turning in late assignments.
One month.
What happens if you make a mess?
Clean it up or you lose the privilege of eating in class.
What assignment can you always redo and turn in?
Name two places a student can go if they're feeling overwhelmed.
Outside the classroom door and the counselor's office
List the opening activities for all 5 days of the week (Mon, Tues, Wed, Thur, Fri).
MUGs, Reading, Writing, Reading, Games
If you want water what are your three options?
Bring your own, drink outside the door, use a bathroom pass to drink at the end of the hall
If you let someone copy your work, this percentage will be deducted from your paper.
10% of your points
What are two things that count as disrupting the classroom?
Name calling, bullying, play fighting, real fighting, talking while Ms. Mayforth is teaching, calling out across the classroom, getting out of your seat without permission, not being on task, having your phone out, playing games on your Chromebook without permission
What does M.U.G. stand for?
Mechanics Usage Grammar
What is the one of the two things Ms. Mayforth wants to help you grow as in this classroom? Hint: they describe kinds of people regarding how you feel and think...
Empathetic Feeler and Critical Thinker
Name two of the "personal bubble" rules mentioned in the syllabus
No hitting, no stealing, no play fighting, no throwing things, no getting in people's faces
What is the final project in this class about?
Comparing yourself to a character
Name three possible consequences for disrupting the class after receiving a warning
Pull outside for a talk, Email/call parents, Detention, In-class suspension, Temporary seating change, Permanent seating change, Sent to Student Support Center, Sent to talk with Vice Principal, Teacher stays next to you while you do your work