What are procedures?
The steps we follow to do things the right way in the music classroom; our classroom routine.
How many times can you use the bathroom during music class?
1 time! You are only in here for 40 minutes.
How do I expect you to sit in music class? Name the positions.
Quietly, and criss cross, rock or mermaid.
What is an instrument you play by hitting them on something?
Where did Ms. M go over winter break?
What is your first procedure when entering the music room?
Come in quietly and find a seat on the floor, near the carpet.
When are you NOT allowed to go up to Ms. M's desk?
When she is talking to someone or teaching.
What is something I DO NOT want you to bring to music class?
What instrument has 88 keys and is often played in orchestras and jazz bands?
The piano
What are the 2 things that start with C's that Ms. M loves?
Coffee & Cuties (oranges)
Where should water bottles go and why?
On the back counter because they could spill.
What is the rule about the couch and the prize drawer?
If you ask, it's a no. You must earn it. It is a privilege, you must be given special permission to sit on the couch or get a prize.
Why do I expect you to raise your hand to speak?
It is respectful and will not disrupt class.
Name two instruments in the strings family.
Guitar, Ukelele, Violin, Cello, Viola, Bass, Banjo, and many more!
Name 3 things Ms. M teaches.
If you have a question or need to tell me something, what two procedures could you follow?
1. Raise your hand or 2. Use the tattle bin.
Where are the two areas you are not allowed to be? Explain why.
You are not allowed in the taped area because there are valuable instruments that could break. You are not allowed behind my desk because that is my personal space and also has important items.
What is the INCORRECT way to put instruments away? Why is it bad?
Running, pushing and throwing the instruments where they go. Also, leaving the instruments on the floor is incorrect too. This is how they get broken.
Name 2 percussion instruments.
Drum, Triangle, Castenettes (Clam Shells), Rhythm sticks, Tambourine, etc.
How old is Ms. M?
Please explain the entire bathroom procedure. There should be around 3 steps total.
1. Check to see if the pass is there
2. Sign your name neatly on the line
3. Take the pass and go to the bathroom
What is Ms. M's number 1 rule, how do you follow it, and what are the consequences if you don't?
Be kind! You can be kind by offering to help your friends, giving someone a smile or compliment, helping Ms. M organize and clean, greeting Ms. M, and many more. If you are not kind in the classroom, you will be removed and sent to the office with a write up.
How do I expect you to line up? Please be descriptive. How should you sound and look? Where should you be lining up at?
I expect you to line up quickly and quietly. Everyone should be facing forward, feet in a square and facing the window. You line up behind the door.
What was the first instrument ever made? Hint: The current version of this instrument is in the woodwinds family.
The flute!! The first flute was made in the caveman days out of wood! Ms. M will show you a picture!
What are the names of Ms. M's 3 pets? Bonus 100 points if you can describe the animal and what they look like.
Lucy - Black Pug
Gus - Orange Cat
Penny - Multi Colored Cat