A fraction has a numerator and a denominator. The denominator tells us the total number of equal parts in a whole. What does the numerator tell us?
The numerator tells us how many of those parts we have (or are talking about).
Lin has 16 OREO cookies. She gives 1/4 of her cookies to her friend Tommy. How many cookies did she give her friend Tommy?
4 cookies
Which fraction is greater:
7/9 or 3/9
In the number 14.75, which digit is in the hundredths place?
When writing the price of an item in decimal form, how many digits should we write after the decimal point?
ex. $3.9, $3.97, $3.976, $3.9765
two digits
ex. $3.97
In the fraction 4/5, which digit is the denominator?
Vishika is baking muffins. She bakes 6 jumbo muffins, and gives her brother 1/3 of her muffins. How many muffins did she give her brother?
2 muffins
Which fraction is greater:
3/4 or 3/10
How many tenths are there in the number 0.75
7 tenths (7/10)
Write this price in decimal form:
Two hundred forty three dollars and seventeen cents.
What fraction is represented by the shaded part in this image?
(Image A)
Leo is organizing his Dragon Ball Z books. He has 20 books in all. 1/4 of his books are French and the rest are English. How many books are English books?
15 books are English
1/4 of 20 books = 5 books (French)
Which fraction is greater:
3/6 or 5/10
they are equal
Write the number 148 3/10 in decimal form.
How many dimes do you need to make two dollars ($2)
20 dimes
10 dimes = 1 dollar
Represent the fraction 5/9 in picture form
any image where a whole is divided into 9 equal parts and 5 are shaded in.
There are 50 pencils in Ms. Nikki's classroom. 1/10th of the pencils are blue, and 9/10ths of the pencils are orange. How many pencils are green?
There are no green pencils in Ms. Nikki's classroom.
Which fraction is greater:
2/8 or 7/16
Write the fraction 86/100 as a decimal number.
If I have 1 twoonie, 3 quarters, 3 dimes, and 5 nickels, how much money do I have?
Represent the fraction 6/4.
Hint: Is this more or less than 1 whole?
any image where a whole is divided into 4 equal parts and you have all four shaded on the first whole and two more shaded on the second whole.
If 4 guitars represent 1/3 of the total number of guitars at the school of rock, how many guitars does the school have in all?
12 guitars
Dakota and Tea each have a bowl full of beads and they are beading bracelets. Dakota has used 9/12 of her beads so far to make her bracelet. Tea has used 3/6 of her beads. Who has used more of their beads so far?
Dakota has used more of her beads.
3/6 = 6/12
Inez and Pietro raced in the schoolyard. Inez ran the race in 14.92 seconds and Pietro ran the race in 14.98 seconds.
Who won the race and how much faster were they (in seconds)?
Inez was faster. She ran 6/100 (6 hundredths) of a second faster than Pietro.
Jennie has 1 dollar, 4 dimes, 2 quarters, and a nickel.
Alex has 6 quarters, and 5 dimes
Who has more money??
Alex has more money. He has $2.00 and Jennie only has $1.95. He has 5 cents more than her.