True or False:
The Treasure box can be visited at any time on any day!
What are the three class rules?
1. Be respectful
2. Be responsible
3. Be safe
What voice level should you be at all times in the hallways?
What does GFE mean?
Good Faith Effort
True or False:
You can play sounds out loud from your Chromebook
You will not be playing any sounds out loud!
How much time is a break in the cool down corner?
5 minutes
How do our bodies look when we line up?
What are 3 ways you can earn a dojo?
True or False:
When Ms. Radlove rings the doorbell you should go back to your seat
What should you do if your pencil breaks?
Use the Hand Signal
Get Permission from a teacher
Walk to the dispenser at a voice level 0
Put your dull pencil in the cup
Grab a new pencil and return to your seat quickly and quietly
What quote does Ms. Radlove always say?
(Hint: its about giving your best effort)
Its okay to not know, but its not okay to not try
What are 3 ways you can lose a dojo?
True or False:
During a movement break you dont have to participate, you can just sit and watch others dance
You do not have to dance but you will stand and march/stretch
What should you do and say when Ms. Radlove says "Hands on Top!"
Stop what you are doing, put your hands on your head and say "That means stop!"
When am I allowed to go and play at recess?
We walk with calm bodies out to the playground and stop and wait to be released.
What percent do you need to score in order to sign a square in your proficiency binder?
When you score a 70% or higher you can sign a square
True or False:
Students may shop from the Dojo store every friday
Students may shop from the Dojo store on the last friday of every month!
What should I do when I get to class in the morning?
Find your cubby and hang your backpack up.
Sit in your area quickly and quietly.
Unpack your folder.
Start on Morning Work packet for the day and begin the prompt on the board
When is an appropriate time to go to the bathroom?
You may only ask to go to the bathroom during independent work times.
(Not during Teacher Time)
What does G.F.E. Look like?
Growth Mindset attitude
Sitting in S.L.A.N.T.
Always having a pencil ready
Actively working independently
Answering all parts & Showing all work