3rd Grade Skills
3rd Grade ELA
3rd Grade Vocabulary
Grammar Review
Test Taking Strategies

Name 2 text features that can be found in a nonfiction text. 

 Ex: Photographs, Table of Contents, Captions, Labels, Diagrams, Fact Box, Glossary, Index, Headings, Title, etc. 


What is does unbelievable mean? 

That something cannot be believed. 


What are the titles of each paragraph called? 



This part of speech is a person, place, thing.



What is the name of the strategy we use for short answer questions? 



What is a theme of the book Jabari Jumps? 

To try new things. 

Never give up. 

To be brave/overcome your fears. 


What is point of view?

the person telling the poem or story


What text feature lists heading along with their page numbers? (at the beginning) 

Table of Contents


This part of speech is an action.



What does RADD stand for? 

Restate, answer, detail 1, detail 2


What are the different types of text structures?

compare and contrast, description, problem and solution, cause and effect, sequence


What do we call "what a passage is mostly about?"

The main idea


What is the author's purpose?

Why the author wrote the text. (PIE) 


This part of speech describes a noun.


What is a strategy you can use for multiple choice? 

Eliminate answers that don't make sense, write notes or write your own answer first, go back into the text


How is this text organized? 

                     Animal Shelters

One issue we’re facing today is overcrowding of animal shelters. Animal shelters are places where dogs and cats go if they don’t have a home. Right now animal shelters take in 6.5 million animals each year but only 3.2 million are adopted. One way to solve the problem is to encourage people to adopt instead of buying them from a pet store or breeder. Another solution is to teach people how to be responsible pet owners and how to train their animals, which would lead to less owners bringing back their animals because they don’t know how to take care of them. These animals deserve a loving home, so let’s take these steps to take care of them. 

problem and solution


What do we call "the message or the lesson of a story?"



What is dialogue?

characters talking out loud in a story with quotation marks around the words

What is a caption?

The writing under a picture.


What are 2 ways to annotate? 

1. underlining and labeling the answers

2. annotating what each paragraph is about


What is the main idea of this passage? 

                         The Job of a Pilot

The captain of an airplane has an important job. The captain has to make sure that the plane is safe. The captain needs to be able to make good decisions. There could be a problem before the plane takes off. The captain checks everything to be sure it is ready. The captain needs to decide if it is safe to fly. Then the captain has to figure out what to do if there is a problem while flying.

In January 2009, the captain of a plane took off in New York. As the plane rose, it ran into some birds. The birds got caught in the engines and both engines stopped. The captain had to figure out what to do. There would not be time to go back to the airport.

He saw a river, the Hudson River and he knew that would be the safest place to land. He told the passengers to get ready for a hard landing. Then the plane hit the water with a jolt. The airline workers helped them get out. Once everyone was safe, the captain left, too. They were rescued by firefighters and police officers on boats who said that they were lucky to have such a great captain and everyone definitely felt grateful.

Pilots have an important job and can save lives.


Where are the paragraph numbers on the ELA test?

On the side


What is does the word "careless" mean in the following sentence? 

Due to the driver's careless actions, he got into a car accident and ruined his car.

Not paying attention closely or caring


What is a story that is fake called?



What do you do when you're done? 

Take a break, review it, double check the answers and making sure each question is answered
