Let’s give someone else a turn to talk.
Be quiet
What does the word mean:
A biography is a written story about someone else's life.
Bonus: What is the opposite of biography?
Fix this sentence:
I don't see nothing wrong with this sentence.
I don't see anything wrong with this sentence.
The organ is not working.
A musical instrument that looks like a piano.
A body part.
Generate a sentence with:
When you use because it gives you a reason
I would hate for that new toy to get stepped on and broken.
Pick up that toy.
What does the word mean:
An adverb is a part of speech used to describe a verb such as: "The baby slept soundly in his crib."
Fix this sentence:
The doctor and the nurse is going to lunch together.
The doctor and the nurse are going to lunch together.
I love the spring.
The season.
A body of water.
Generate a sentence with:
You use beside to add something
I guess you didn’t get the message to call me before 9:00.
You called after 9 and you were supposed to call before.
What does the word mean:
When something is contagious, it can easily be spread to others such as the flu.
Fix this sentence:
The cat or the dog are playing in the garbage.
The cat or the dog is playing in the garbage.
The boy was curious what his mother would think about the draft.
To be pulled into war or to on a sports team.
The first written form of a paper.
Generate a sentence with:
In spite of
You use in spite of when you wouldn't normally do something in a given condition but do it anyway
We can invite Ella if you insist.
I don't want Ella to come.
What does the word mean:
Parallel is when two lines run side by side and never cross
Fix this sentence:
The dog or the cats is going to have fun with this new toy.
The dog or the cats are going to have fun with this new toy.
This weekend, I want to go to the bank.
The sides of the river.
The place you go to deposit or take out money.
Generate a sentence with:
You use consequently as a result of something else
I just washed the kitchen floor, but the front door is unlocked
Don't come in this door. Use the front door.
What does the word mean:
The conclusion is the ending of a story or often the summary of a speech.
Fix this sentence:
Are the cat or the dogs playing in the yard?
Is the cat or the dogs playing in the yard?
The pupil is big.
A student
The black center of the eye
Generate a sentence with:
You start the sentence with neither and then use nor between two objects that did the same thing