True or False? Putting your phone up is optional.
Who kills the mechanical hound?
Do you use the author's first or last name in the parentheses when quoting a book?
Last name
How many body paragraphs is in a essay?
What is Ms. Richard's dog's name?
Who was Montag's neighbor?
What do each of the numbers when citing a play mean:
(IV, ii, 56-78).
(Act, Scene, Lines)
What is needed in a rebuttal?
Where did Ms. Richards grow up?
Does Ms Richards like dogs or cats better?
What is Clarisse's last name?
Correct or Incorrect:
Author: Ray Bradbury
Page: 65
Sentence: 34-36
"____________." (Brabury 34-36).
"____________" (Bradbury 65).
True or False? A topic statment goes in the introduction
How many siblings does Ms. Richard have?
1 sister
True or False: Ms Richards was Salutatorian of her college class
False, she was valedictorian
Who fled to Ireland before the murder of King Duncan?
How many times is Banquo stabbed when he is murdered?
20 times in the head.
What is the sentence connecting paragraphs to each other.
What club does Ms. Richards sponsor?
Girls for his Glory
What sports did Ms. Richards play in high school?
Cheer, Track, Soccer, volleyball, and competitive dance. (In addition: certified theater kid).
How many prophecies do the witches tell in the play Macbeth?
6 (Macbeth will become thane of Cawdor, Macbeth will become king, Banquo's descendants will become king, Macbeth should fear Macfuff, no man born of a woman can kill Macbeth, Macbeth will not be vanquished until Birnam Wood comes to the Dunsinane).
When citing a book in the cited part of your essay in MLA format, does the place of publication or the publisher come first in your citation?
Place of publication
What is strong evidence that comes from reliable people called?
How long has Ms. Richards been married?
1 and a half years