This was Ms. Scott's first show as a student at RBV. Disney magic for sure, but no Robbin Williams in this particular production.
What is Aladdin?
Ms. Scott's alma mater. Long Island anyone??
What is Hofstra University?
Ms. Scott's favorite snack. Comes salted, kettle cooked, and more!
What is popcorn?
Ms. Scott almost got stuck in this country in 2020. Home to St. Issac's Cathedral, Siberia, and Crime and Punishment.
What is Russia?
The ending to this iconic phrase: "If it were me..."
What is "...and it is"?
Ms. Scott emulated her hero in the musical 9 to 5 during her junior year. This woman's presence is still found around RBV theatre today. (LOOK AROUND!!!)
Who is Dolly Parton?
This was the last show Ms. Scott performed in. Six middle schoolers face off while battling puberty, awkwardness, and challenging words.
What is The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee?
Ms. Scott has a distaste for this famous actor.
Whether he is Black Adam, a lifeguard, Maui, or running around in Jumanji- it doesn't matter.
Who is The Rock?
The name of Ms. Scott's beloved hamster. Not a button, not a snap, not velcro, but.....
What is Zipper?
Ms. Scott directed this show twice and it almost killed her. 'Oh my god you guys...'
What is Legally Blonde?
The first show Ms. Scott saw on Broadway. Features a dorky teen turned superhero. With great power comes great responsibility!
What is Spider-man (Turn Off the Dark)?
Ms. Scott was not a fan of this artistic class in college. Pick up your brush, get outside, and find a pretty view!
What is scenic/landscape painting?
This candle scent is Ms. Scott's favorite. Emblematic of this Christmas must-have (whether it's fake or real in your home).
What is a Christmas tree/pine tree?
This type of animal was Ms. Scott's "divorce pet".
'Cheep cheep cheep talk-a-lot, pick-a-little'
What are birds?
Ms. Scott might have overspent just a bit on this musical. That's what happens when weather comes inside...
What is Singing in the Rain?
Ms. Scott's least favorite subject in High School.
What is Math?
Ms. Scott maintained this job through all four years of college. It means she received free room and board in the dorms along with meals!
What is an "RA" (aka Resident Assistant)?
This animal is Ms. Scott's favorite.
"Old McDonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O. And on that farm he had a ____".
What is a pig?
Ms. Scott has always wanted to visit this country. Do the toilets really flush the opposite way? Are the animals actually that scary?
What is Australia?
This show, directed by Ms. Scott, generated hate mail! Maybe it was the fraud? The crime? ...The plane?? Who knows...
What is Catch Me If You Can?
Ms. Scott was a force to be reckoned with in this sport throughout her childhood. She was on defense as a stopper and wore #3!
What is soccer?
The Shakespeare play, Troilus and Cressida was Ms. Scott's favorite play to be a part of in college. Is this story one of best friends betraying each other, lovers cheating, or a queen loosing her power?
What is lovers cheating?
This movie from 2016 is Ms. Scott's favorite Disney movie. Unlikely heroes band together to uncover a conspiracy. With Shakira??
What is Zootopia?
Ms. Scott's beloved childhood dog was named after this British Prime Minister. He is known for leading the country to victory during World War II and served as the country's Prime Minister twice in his life.
Who is Winston Churchill?
The least $ Ms. Scott ever spent producing a show was for this fall show. Not north, east, or south..
What is True West?