Quarter note + eighth note
What is a dotted quarter note?
I have 1 sharp.
What is G major?
The relative minor of C major.
What is A minor?
A 5th up from C.
What is G?
Getting louder and louder.
What is crescendo?
(1 half note) + (4 eighth notes) = ____ quarter note beats
What is 4?
I have 2 flats.
What is Bb major?
The relative minor of G major.
What is E minor?
A 6th up from D.
What is B?
Loud, then immediately soft.
What is fp / fortepiano?
A dotted half note has ____ sixteenth notes.
What is 10?
I have 2 flats and an F#.
What is G minor?
The relative major of C minor.
What is Eb major?
The tonic triad of F major.
What is F-A-C?
in the style of a march
What is alla marcia?
(2 half notes) - (1 quarter note) + (6 eighth notes) = ___ quarter note beats
What is 6?
I have 1 sharp, but I am not G major.
What is A minor?
The relative major of F# minor.
What is A major?
The tonic triad of A major.
What is A-C#-E?
What is presto?
(1 dotted quarter note) + (2 dotted eighth notes) + (2 sixteenth notes) = ____ quarter note beats
What is 3.5?
I have 3 sharps and 1 double sharp.
What is F# minor?
My relative major has 2 flats.
What is G minor?
The tonic triad of Eb major.
What is Eb-G-Bb?
Which is faster: andante or vivace?