Cause and Effect
Making Inferences
Main Idea
Text Structure
Author's Purpose
In “CAUSE AND EFFECT,” the thing that happens last is known as the ____________?
What is EFFECT?
Sam woke up and saw the sun shining in the sky. He packed his swimming suit, a towel, a beach ball, and his sandals in his bag. Then, he went to the kitchen and made a sack lunch. Sam is most likely going to ___________________.
What is "the beach."
You can do many things at the beach. When the tide is out, you can fill your pail full of sea water. You can build sand castles in the sand on the beach. You can jump in the waves and swim. What is this story mostly about?
What is "the different things you can do at the beach?"
The author tells about the most important person, place, or thing in a paragraph or story. What is this called?
What is "Main Idea?"
What is it called when an author writes to express his/her OWN opinions?
What is "Point of View?"
Fill in the blank with the correct words: CAUSE is "what _______" and EFFECT is "the _______."
What is "What Happens" and "The Result"
Do you enjoy kites? If you order right away, we will give you directions for making kites out of all kinds of materials-sticks, straws, socks, and more. All of this for only $10.95. Hurry! Time is limited. What is this ad trying to get the reader to do?
What is "buy information about making a kite?"
Computers have changed quite a bit through the years. An early model could add 18 million numbers per hour. One person would have needed many years to do the same job. A modern computer can add 1 1/2 trillion numbers in less than three hours. What is this story mainly about?
What is "how computers have gotten faster over time?"
The author states a problem and lists one or more possible solutions. What is this called?
What is "Problem and Solution?"
Ms. Smalley always looked forward to the fall because of the Fall Festival. She loved the rides, but she also enjoyed the shows. This year would be the best because Ms. Smalley is going to perform in the talent show. Why did the author write this story?
What is "to entertain?"
What is the “CAUSE” in this sentence? The tree fell in the middle of the road because of the high wind.
What is "the high wind."
It was raining outside. Sue got out of bed and got dressed for school. Then, she ate breakfast and grabbed her backpack. Before Sue left the house, she probably ___________________.
What is "get her umbrella?"
Kitty O'Neil wanted to become a stunt person. She performed incredible stunts, such as 100-foot falls. O'Neill has been deaf since birth. She says she can concentrate better than most people who can hear. She is not bothered by the sounds around her. What is the main idea of this story?
What is "how Kitty's disability has helped her career?"
The author explains how two or more things are alike and how they are different. What is this called?
What is "Compare and Contrast?"
Tomatoes were once considered poisonous. Some brave people finally took a bite, and they survived. Now, we put tomatoes in our salads and hamburgers. Did you know ketchup is made of tomatoes? If it weren't for those brave people, you may not enjoy ketchup on your French fries. Why did the author write this paragraph?
What is "to inform?"
1. Abed was not able to go to his friend’s party. 2. Abed did not complete his homework. Which statement is the “CAUSE”?
What is "Abed did not complete his homework."
Patty’s grandma lives far away. She lives in New York. When she comes to visit, she always brings Patty presents. She takes her to the park. She helps Patty clean her bedroom. She helps her bake cookies. She even teaches Patty how to quilt. What can you infer about Patty's grandma?
What is "she misses Patty and likes to do things with her when she visits?"
Because lambs were eaten by coyotes, ranchers hunt and kill the coyotes. However, killing coyotes may upset nature's balance. Scientists have found a way to protect sheep without killing coyotes. Coyotes are fed lamb meat treated with a drug. When they eat the meat, they get sick. Now, coyotes won't go near lambs. They hunt rabbits instead. What is the main idea?
What is "how ranchers protect sheep and coyotes?"
The author lists the items or events in chronological order; how to make or do something. What is this called?
What is "Sequence?"
What do you do with aluminum cans? Do you throw them in the trash or do you recycle them? If we fill up our landfills, we won't have any place to put our trash. If you recycle, you can help the environment. The next time you drink a soda think about recycling your can. Why did the author write this paragraph?
What is "to persuade?"
Identify the “EFFECT” in the sentence. Daniel improved his hitting after taking batting practice.
What is "Daniel improved his hitting."
After reviewing Chapter 3 in Science, Amy’s teacher handed the students a study guide for the next day’s test. When Amy got home from school, she ate a snack and called her friend on the phone. After talking to her friend, Amy watched T.V. After dinner, Amy played outside and then came in the house and went to bed. Why did Amy fail the test the next day?
What is "Amy did not study for her test?"
The lack of gravity in space makes even simple tasks a challenge. Astronauts have to wear boots that hold their feet to the floor so that they can walk around. Eating is a real chore. Dried and frozen foods are stored in plastic bags. To eat chicken soup, the astronauts cut a hole in the bag and squeeze the soup into their mouths. What is this story mostly about?
What is "How easy tasks are challenging in space?"
The author explains a topic, person, place, or thing by listing characteristics, examples, or features. What is this called?
What is "a description?"
Name all 4 reasons why an author writes a story.
What is "explain, persuade, entertain and inform?"