What is the procedure to use the bathroom?
Use the hand signal quietly from where you are sitting, grab the pass and put it on your desk, use the bathroom quickly, and come back
What is the expectation when you are sitting on the dot spot?
Sit quietly on ONE dot spot in one of three ways with your hands to yourself
You are sitting on the carpet and Ms. Sportsman is waiting to start a lesson. You hear a lot of your friends talking and really want to join in the conversation. What should you do?
Put up a bear paw and politely tell your friends you should talk about this later
What are you expected to work on in the morning when you are waiting for the morning bell?
Spelling Choice Board
What is the procedure to get a pencil?
Use the hand signal, bring your dull pencil to the dull bucket, and grab a new pencil from the sharp bucket
*No one is allowed to get a pencil from the clear bin without permission*
What is the expectation when you are walking in line in the hallway?
Ms. Sportsman needs to go into the hallway to talk to another teacher or a student. What should you do?
Sit at your desk quietly and continue with what you are working on
When the bell rings at 8:10, what are you supposed to do?
After 1st recess, what is the procedure to get ready for lunch?
Come inside at a voice level 0, wash your hands, grab your lunchbox or lanyard, and line right back up silently in your lunch order
What is the expectation when you are working during Reading BEAR?
True or False: When I line up at the end of recess, my voice should be off and I should be facing forward ready to go inside.
You are on your way in for recess heading to music. You know that the class struggles following directions at this time, but you know what is expected. What should you do?
Remind your friends to listen to Ms. Sportsman and walk in from recess with no voices, line up at the wall with your right shoulder touching the wall and your hands to your side, waiting patiently for Ms. Scozzafava
Hang up your backpack and coat if you have one, put your lunchbox away if you have one, and bring your go home folder to your desk
After we finish SS/Science, what is the procedure for the very end of the day?
Grab backpacks and go to the carpet silently, listen to Ms. Sportsman share anyone who goes home differently, give any reminders, and read. Line up when your dismissal is called quietly so lucky duck can be pulled at 3:04. Bus riders and car riders walk down with Ms. Sportsman and everyone else goes to Ms. McHenry.
What is the expectation when you are at lunch?
Sit in your assigned spot at a normal voice level, staying in your seat unless you need to throw away your trash
What is the expectation at recess if it is muddy, rainy, snowy, or icy outside?
Stay off the field and do not walk or play on the snow and ice
Keep your voice off and follow Ms. Sportsman's directions
What TWO student jobs should be completed BEFORE the morning bell rings?
Weather Reporter & Pencil Sharpener
What is the dismissal procedure that we have started using?
What is the expectation when you are working with a partner or small group?
What is one thing that is NOT allowed at recess?
Answers can vary
Ms. Sportsman tells you to go grab your iPad and lay it on your desk. You see that one of your friends has changed their background and another friend is getting on their iPad before they are supposed to. What should YOU do to follow directions?
Bring your iPad to your desk face down, wait for Ms. Sportsman's directions, and then go straight to the activity that Ms. Sportsman instructed