Who is considered the Father of our Nation?
George Washington
True or False
There were 15 Colonies that fought during the American Revolution.
False. There were 13 colonies.
How many estates were their in Old France?
There were 3 estates in Old France.
When he was a child, what was Porfirio planning on being?
He was going to enter the priesthood to be a priest.
Who was made President after the Ten Tragic Days Battle?
Victoriano Huerta was made President at that time.
Which ocean is off the east coast of the United States?
Atlantic Ocean
Who was the King of England during the American Revolution?
King George III
Which group had the most number of people in it?
The third estate included over 95% of the population.
How long did Porfirio Diaz serve as president/dictator of Mexico?
He served for 35 years.
Who reluctantly signed a Constitution?
Victoriano Huerta signed the new Constitution.
Congressmen, Presidents, Senators
Through what method did the King of England try to get more money out of the colonists?
One example is he made them pay special taxes on paper, sugar and tea.
True or False
The French peasants were fighting for were liberty, equality and bread for everyone.
The 3 ideals of the French Revolution were:
Under the Diaz leadership, what happened to cause the everyday Mexicans to resent him?
Hint: think about land and property
Who was a faithful leader of the peasants?
How many Congressmen serve in the U.S. House of Representatives?
What was the source of tension which colonists felt -which ultimately led to them declaring war?
What was the cause of the tension the peasants felt, which ulitmately led to the Revolution?
There were several reasons, the King of France was over spending money on palaces, the peasants were the ones who had to pay taxes, crops failed and people were beginning to be hungry for change.
Pancho Villa or
Emiliano Zapata
Who was known to be a hard riding rebel who also happened to be compadres with Ms. Taylor's grandfather?
Francisco "Pancho" Villa
Dr. Martin Luther King fought for what cause?
When the colonists signed the Declaration of Independence, they were wanting freedom from who?
They wanted to be their own nation instead of being colonies of England and the King.
As a result of the French Revolution, the peasants in France did not achieve liberty, equality and fraternity.
They did achieve these ideals and France has served as a diplomatic leader in many circumstances since that time.
During the leadership of Diaz, who was investing in the economy of Mexico?
Nations outside of Mexico were investing in Mexico which ultimately angered citizens from all over the country. People wanted their land back, they wanted corruption to end and they wanted to take back control over industries being run by outsiders.
Who served as President for less than two years?
Francisco Madero served as President for less than two years during the political upheaval of the Mexican Revolution.