What must you do if you have a question?
Raise your hand and wait patiently.
Where should students wait before students are allowed in the classroom?
Outside before the ramp and lined up in number order
How should you speak to Ms. T and others in the classroom?
Use kind and appropriate words with appropriate tone.
How do we treat substitute teachers and other important guests?
With respect and kindness. Be helpful and honest.
Follow all classroom expectations even when I'm not there.
When can I use my cell phone?
You cannot use your cell phone even if your parents need to get ahold of you. They can call the office.
When is the best time to move around the classroom?
When Ms. T is not teaching and when she says the Word of the Day or gives you permission.
How loud should students be talking in the building?
Keep a reasonable volume. Inside voice.
When you eat in the classroom?
During snack time and lunch or when Ms. T gives you permission.
When are you able to go to the bathroom? Name 3.
After specialist time, during lunch, and at recess.
Where can you use your phone at school?
What is not an appropriate way to get Ms. T's attention?
Yell out "Ms. T" or approach Ms. T
What side of the hallway should you walk on?
The right side, always.
When should you go behind or grab things of Ms. T's desk?
Never unless Ms. T gives you permission.
What should you have ready for each class?
1. Sharpened pencils
2. Notebook/Journal
3. Workbook/Textbook
4. Classwork folder
What if I use profanity at school?
I will receive a check on my tracker, a call to the office and/or parents, and further consequences.
When do you throw away your trash?
On the way out at the end of class or when given permission from Ms. T.
Is there running or goofing around allowed in the building at any time?
When do you throw things in the classroom?
Never. Not even if you are really good at basketball.
What do you need to sign if you need water or a tissue
Water - W to chin
Tissue - Point to nose
What are callbacks to listen/look for? Name 2.
1. Rain stick
2. Pax Peace sign
3. Hocus Pocus - Everybody Focus
4. Clapping beat
5. Are you ready kids? - Aye, aye, captain
6. If you can hear me (complete action)
What are the things we need to do at the end of class before we can leave?
1. Pick up trash around your desks
2. Return any supplies borrowed
3. Push in chair and line up quietly.
How should students behave in and around the building?
Follow HALLS:
1. Hands at side and to self
2. All eyes forward
3. Lips closed and quiet
4. Low walking speed
5. Stay in spot in line
What is the process for using the bathroom during class?
1. Wait for a more appropriate time (Not when Ms. T is teaching).
2. Check door to see if someone is using bathroom.
3. Show Ms. T the crossed fingers sign
4. Place number on door when leaving
5. Put number back
What are the three things you should do when you enter the classroom?
1. Sit down
2. Read the board for information
3. Quickly and quietly follow directions
What is the process of having a class job?
1. Apply for position you feel most capable of having.
2. Complete designated tasks all week. (No points deducted if absent 1 or 2 days)
3. Points well be given at the end of the week and exchanged on Friday
4. Any checks during the week will be used to deduct overall points.
5. Can be fire from position if not fufilling job duties.