Something Old
Something New
Astronomy Review
Fun Facts about Ms. V
Super New

This is one of the ways Ms. Valentino will get your attention as a class. 

the Bell


This is how Ms. Valentino will get the classes attention if it's too loud or if there is an emergency.

Blowing the Whistle


This is how many planets our Solar System has. You receive a bonus 100 points if you can list them all in order.  


Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune


Ms. Valentino has two "roommates" named Avona and Ophelia. These roommates are considered this kind of pet.



What is the sign for you to communicate silently to Ms. V that you need to use the restroom? 

Fingers crossed 


This is an expectation regarding talking during class instruction or while someone else is addressing the class (including Ms. V or your peers).

Not talking over anyone while and wait to be called on with your hand raised.


This is what you should do if you join class after it has already started, or if you miss the Daily Agenda. There are 2-3 steps. 

Come in quietly with a note

  • Quietly ask someone at your table to fill you in


  • Wait for me to finish instruction and ask me.


These two factors can influence the amount of gravitational force between two objects. 

Mass and Distance


Ms. Valentino lived here before she moved to Oregon. 

Southeastern Idaho


This is how many hall passes we now have, and where they should be. 

2; should be given directly back to Ms. Valentino


This is what you should do if you need to grab materials or move around the room. 

Wait to be released by Ms. Valentino and then move/grab materials once granted permission. 


This is what you should do if you are going to be tardy to class without a note. 

This is also what to expect if you want to leave the class period later that day. 

Make sure all of your needs (bathroom, locker, water) are met before coming into class. 

Don't expect to be able to leave unless it is an absolute emergency. 


The Earth has an axial tilt that gives us the seasons. This degree of tilt is close to Ms. Valentino's age. 

When the Northern Hemisphere is experiencing Spring, what season will the Southern Hemisphere be experiencing?

23.5; Autumn


Ms. Valentino loves to spend her time outside of work doing this particular activity. 

Playing videogames


This is how many pencils Ms. Valentino will offer during the class period.

This is how you are to access pencils/pencil sharpeners if necessary. 

2; provided by Ms. Valentino and returned to Ms. V when finished. 


These are the steps you should follow when you come into class every day. There are four steps.

Check the Daily Agenda on the board.

Gather listed materials.

Sit in your assigned seat by the time the tardy bell rings.

Answer the Bell Ringer question in your Science Notebook.


This is our new routine for the end of class. 

Put materials away

Sit in assigned seat

Once everyone is seated in their assigned seats, Ms. V will release you once class is over. 


This phenomena occurs because the Moon rotates on it's axis at the same rate it takes to make a complete orbit around Earth. 

Synchronous Rotation


When Ms. Valentino rings the Bell to get everyone's attention, this is normally what she says. 

"Focus Up!"


In order to receive the Free Fifteen on Fridays, these requirements must first be met. There are three. 

We must be caught up with our learning in class

Classes have behaved appropriately the week leading up to Free Fifteen

Materials used during Free Fifteen are properly put away at the end of the class period


These are the steps you should follow if you are to leave the room during class time. This can be for going to the bathroom, going to your locker, getting water, etc. There are four steps. 

Sign out on the Sign-Out Sheet

Take a pass

Be back within 6 minutes

Sign back in when you return. 


These are some of the ways you can lose your ability to leave the classroom during class time. There are four main ways. 

  • Regularly spending longer than 6 minutes out of the classroom

  • Not signing in or out on the Sign Out sheet

  • Asking to leave every day for various things

  • Being tardy to class


During a Solar Eclipse, the Moon casts two shadows on Earth. This darker center of the Moon's shadow will allow viewers on Earth to witness the eclipse in it's entirety.



When Ms. Valentino was in 8th grade, this My Little Pony character was her favorite (she even dressed up like her for Halloween). 

Pinkie Pie


This is how time can be taken away from Free Fifteen on Fridays. There are three. 

  • Talking at inappropriate times

  • Not following appropriate routines or expectations

  • Distracting from the learning environment
