Classroom Behavior
Cell Phones
Being Prepared
Being Respectful
Classroom work

Where should you be once the bell rings?

In your assigned seat 


Where do you put your phone?

In the pocket chart.


What do you need for class everyday?

Charged laptop and pencil


All students should remove their __________ when entering the building.  

Hats or hoods.


What should always go on any papers that you turn in?

Your name


What is the bathroom policy?

Print name legibly, sign out with time, sign in with time, time limit: 6 minutes


When can you use your phone?

Only when the teacher gives you explicit directions on how and when you may use it.


What do you do if your laptop is dead or you forgot it?

Tell your teacher and ask to borrow a laptop.


Give an example of what respectful behavior looks like while doing independent work?

Respectful behavior during independent work looks like: staying focused, not bothering others while they work, and staying quiet.


What should everyone be doing during group work?

Everyone should be working together and sharing responsibility for the work.  


If you don’t understand how to do something what should you do?

Ask a peer or ask the teacher


What happens if you get on your phone when not permitted?

Phone will be taken (1st offense- teacher holds it for the day, 2nd offense- goes to the office and a guardian must pick it up)


Where can you get pens, pencils, markers, etc?

In the top two drawers by the door.


How could you use respectful language to let another student know that he or she is in your personal space?

One answer is: “Excuse me.  It bothers me when you keep bumping into me.   Could you please scoot over?”   Can you think of others?


What do you do when you have completed your work?

Turn it in to the correct tray and work on homework or missing work.


What should you do if you don’t like what someone is doing or get overwhelmed?

Ask them politely to stop, ask the teacher for a break, or ask to move away from the situation.


Give an example of when it would be okay to have your cell phone out in class.

Teacher directly tells you to use your phone for something or between classes


Where can you get paper?

On the trays beside the printer


Give an example of a problem that might happen in class and how you can ‘be a problem solver’.

There are many correct answers to this question. Your teacher will decide if your answer earns points.


How should the class look when changing tasks?

Put away unnecessary materials and get out what is needed without unnecessary horse play and listening and following directions the first time.
