How do we line up?
Number line order
What goes in your table buckets and sides of your desk?
Pencils, crayons, dry erase markers, eraser, 40 book challenge folder
What is Hawk's honor?
Be safe
Be respectful
Be responsible
What is the dropbox for?
To tell me something that happened if I cannot talk to you right away
What is taking a break?
5 minutes of calm time when you are having a rough day
What do the green and red dinosaur lights mean?
You can/can't ask a question
What are good coins? When is classroom store? Can they be taken away?
How can you show Hawk's Honor in the hallway?
Walking quietly
What is secret student and what do they get?
How many red Liveschool points is a parent contact?
Where do you turn in work?
Pink basket
What are blue folders for?
To keep your classwork in/unfinished work/papers to take home
How can you show Hawk's Honor in the cafeteria?
Cleaning up after yourself and throwing away trash
What is student leader in charge of?
Student leader helps with lights, door, directions, passing out papers, line leader, and anything Miss Wong needs
What is the bathroom procedure?
Sign out and turn on the bathroom light
What are the voice levels?
What does coming to school look like?
How can you show Hawk's Honor in the library?
Be quiet, use place markers, no playing around, handle books with care
What attention grabbers do I use mostly?
How do you show Hawk's Honor on the playground?
Play fair and be careful
What are the behavior consequence levels?
Level 1: Individual warning
Level 2: Liveschool point and 5 minutes of recess
Level 3: Liveschool point and 10 minutes of recess
Level 4: Liveschool point, loss of recess, parent contact
Level 5: Principal/Vice principal contact
What does leaving school look like?
What are the 4 things you flush down the toilet only?
💩, 🍋, toilet paper, 🤮
How do you show Hawk's Honor with Chromebooks?
Hold them correctly, don't spill water on them, be careful, only use school websites
Where do bus, parent pickup, and Hawk's Nest students go?
Blacktop, front of school, by the playground