How Many Surahs are in the Quran
What is 114
Who has his hand in a fist at his side
Who is LeBron (jk Arthur)
This was the third party in the past 2020 election
What is the Libertarian Party
What College did Lebron James go to?
What is he didn't attend college
This is the most common name in the World.
What is Muhammed
The year (Gregorian Calander) that marks the Hijra when the Prophet (as) went from Mecca to Medina
What is 622 CE
Finish this: "2 + 2 is 4, minus 1, that's 3, ______"
What is "quick mafs"
This "journey" resulted in the removal of thousands of Native Americans from their homelands, during President Jackson's term.
What is the Trail of Tears
How many holes are on a typical golf course?
What is 18
This is the 50th State of the U.S.
What is Hawaii
What is the percentage of wealth that each eligible Muslim must give as charity each year?
What is 2.5%
"Ah! Stop! You almost made me drop my _________!"
What is "croissant"
This was a referendum which resulted in Britain leaving the European Union last year
What is Brexit
What do you call it when a player makes three back to back strikes in bowling?
What is Turkey
This Muslim emperor who hailed from Eastern Africa is the richest man in the history of Mankind
Who is Mansa Musa
These two hills where Prophet Ibrahim (as) left his wife Hajar and Ishmael
What is Safa and Marwa
What is Yeeeet
This written document came before the Consititution was ever written, and established the functions of the national government in the U.S.
What is the Articles of Confederation
What is the best award for a college football player called?
What is He is man... aka Heisman
This Human body part stays the same size from birth
What is eyeballs
How many schools of Islam are there?
What is 4
The time usually between 2 am and 4 am where people with depression stay up and tend to post content (such as memes, sad edits, the Simpsons "No Sleep" Vaporwave edits, and other emo stuff)
What is SNH (sad....hrs)
What does NATO stand for
What is North Atlantic Treaty Organization?
What African country was the first ever to qualify for a World Cup?
Who is Egypt
True or False. Beijing is the second most populated city in China