L23 - Organizations
23/24 org/Leadership
25 - teams
L26 – Mgt of PM
27/28 selection & success

Personnel can be used on many projects,

Specialists can be grouped to share knowledge and experience

Improved continuity in the functional disciplines, procedures and policies

Communication channels are vertical and understood

Clear career path for professionals

What are advantages of functional organization?


list the correct order for the communications model

what is Source Encoder Message channel Decoder Receiver Feedback Noise?


the process of taking a collection of individuals with different needs , backgrounds, and expertise and transforming them into an integrated, effective work unit.

what is team building


list the characteristics of learning organization

Systematic Problem solving


Learning from Past Experience

Transferring Knowledge

Learning from Others


list the 5  selection techniques

cost effective analysis

cost benefit grid

strategic fit

portfolio balance

multiple criteria methods


Project orientation is often lacking

Project accountability is often unclear

There is no direct customer focal point or contact

Ideas tend to favor functional perspective

Coordination between functional units is complex and challenging

what are Disadvantages of Functional orgs?


list advantages for project organization

what are

  • Provides complete line authority over project

  • Project team members work directly for the project manager

  • Very rapid reaction to problems

  • Project communication channels are effective

  • Integration is “easy”


managing conflict by Exerting one’s viewpoint at the expense of another.  Characterized by “I win, you lose” attitude.

what is Forcing?

characteristic of learning org that

involves the systematic searching for and testing of new knowledge,

Ongoing programs – designed to produce incremental gains in knowledge, &

Demonstration projects – to develop new organizational capabilities

What is Experimentation?


the following refer to the __ __ __ process

  1. Provide overview information about projects in portfolio

  2. Assist with portfolio decisions:

  3. Project prioritization

  4. Approval

  5. Cancellation

  6. Ensure each project meets requirements for each gate

  7. Track resource allocation for all projects vs. requirements for current projects

  8. Provide status reports to PRB about relative performance for all projects (use “dashboard,” etc.)

what is Project Portfolio Management?


Duplication of resources makes it very expensive

Tendency to retain team members long after they are needed

Technology suffers, inadequate attention placed on developing organizational capabilities

Lack of career continuity and opportunities for project team members

What are disadvantages of Project Org?


list the 6 PM skills as per L24

Communication skills, Organization, Leadership, Coping, Technology, and Team building


list 5 ways to manage conflicts in projects

what are

  1. Forcing

  2. Withdrawal

  3. Smoothing Over

  4. Confrontation

  5. Compromise


characteristic of learning org that

Relies on the Scientific Method (Plan–Do-Check-Act)

Insists on data, rather than assumptions (Manage by Fact)

Uses simple statistical tools to organize data and draw inferences.

what is systematic Problem Solving?


list 5 issues for international projects

what are (any 5 listed below)?

language, formality, gift giving, age & respect, social behavior, food & drink, Punctuality/time, holidays/vacations/weekends, labor time, layoffs, laws/contracts, litigations/payments/contract terms, Politics


Project emphasized by designating a single responsible project manager

More responsive to changes than functional organization

More efficient utilization of project personnel

Increased knowledge transfer between projects

Maintains strong technical base in functional “home” office

Provides career paths and opportunities for functional specialists.

what are advantages of matrix org?

list the disadvantages of matrix organization

what are

  1. Dual reporting relationship - balance of power between functional and project groups must be watched

  2. Resource allocation conflicts among project managers may require management intervention

  3. Increased complexity in managing conflict, information flow, performance appraisals

  4. Project assignments may impede career progression for functional experts


list the 11 characteristics of truly integrated teams

  1. Satisfaction of individual needs

  2. Commitment to team objectives

  3. Strong performance norms and results orientation

  4. High trust, low conflict

  5. Shared interests

  6. Pride and enjoyment in group activity

  7. Ease with interdependence

  8. High degree of group interaction and effective communications

  9. Strong sense of belonging

  10. Ability to interface with other organizations

  11. Ability to encourage the development of team members


characteristic of learning organization that includes

  1. Lessons Learned

  2. Post-Project Appraisals

  3. Case Studies

  4. Computerized Data Banks

what is Learning from Past Experience?

list the 5 considerations when estimating cost in international projects

what are

  1. Differences in equipment and labor productivity

  2. Costs for communication, travel, local services. 

  3. Fees and costs for insurance, licenses, governmental reviews, housing, work salary incentives, automobile, daycare, schooling, security, medical care

  4. Expenses for obtaining passports and visas, and for transporting managers, workers, and replacements 

  5. Fluctuations in exchange rates


Increase Competency of PMs in the organization

Allocate and coordinate project Resources

Set and enforce Standards for project management

Assist PRB in Portfolio management

what are the functions of PMOs?


Empathy, Motivation, and Esprit de Corps are part of the __ PM skill

what is team building?


managing conflict stratgegy Characterized by a give-and-take attitude among all parties involved in the conflict, each winning and losing some points.

what is Compromise?

learning from others include 3 things:

what is benchmarking, customer intimacy, & direct observation?


list 5 ways to get an international project started on the right foot

what are

  1. Look for analogous projects

  2. Hire consultant

  3. Seek trusted guides, professional, and advisory groups

  4. Attend formal training

  5. Start small
