Earth Science
Body Systems
Forces and Motion
All of the air that surrounds Earth, allows for life to exist, and protects Earth from harmful UV Rays.
What is the atmosphere?
Body systems work together to maintain a balance and allowing our body to live. What is this an example of?
What is homeostasis?
Cells, cells, they are made that allow the cell to live and function.
What are organelles?
Another name for DNA.
What is "gene" or genetic code?
a push or a pull that an object experiences
What is a force?
The force of air molecules pushing down on Earth
What is air pressure?
Two body systems work together to allow us to move. What are they?
What are the skeletal and muscular systems?
Our body is arranged in a hierarchy, from the most basic unit to the most complex. Starting from the most basic unit, ______ make up ________, etc.
What is cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, and organisms.
This tool allows scientists to predict the percentages of children born with certain genotypes by crossing two parents.
What is a Punnett Square?
A person starts running 10 miles and comes all the way back to where she started. Did this person show motion? Why or why not?
What is "NO! The person started and stopped in the same position. Motion is a change in position over time, so position must change."
The process of gases in the atmosphere not letting sunlight escape, trapping heat, and causing global warming!
What is the greenhouse effect?
Nerves, neurons, and the brain are used in this body system.
What is the nervous system?
A cell cannot survive because it does not have enough energy to carry out its functions. This organelle is missing.
What is the mitochondria?
This word means that the genotype has two of the same letters. Examples include "AA" and "aa"
What is homozygous?
The difference between kinetic and potential energy.
What is "kinetic is the energy of motion, so an object must be moving. Potential is the energy of position, so an object must not be moving!"?
List the layers of the Atmosphere, starting with Earth.
What is 'Earth, Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere"?
The nose, trachea, and lungs allow oxygen to come into the body and carbon dioxide to leave in this body system.
What is the respiratory system?
A cell is not able to carry out its functions, because it is not received orders from the control center or "brain" of the cell. This organelle is missing.
What is the nucleus?
The difference between genotype and phenotype. (EXPLAIN!)
What is "genotype is the DNA, or what you CANNOT see. phenotype is the physical trait, or what you can see."?
Mr. Day starts at the bottom of the mountain and walks 2 miles up to the top of the mountain. This is how is air pressure changes?
What is "Air pressure decreases. As you go up, gravity is less, it holds onto the molecules less, they spread out, and pressure decreases."
Explain one cause of global warming. BE SPECIFIC ABOUT HOW IT IS CAUSED.
What is "The greenhouse effect. Greenhouses gases trap sunlight. Heat is trapped. The temperature of the Earth increases."
These two systems work together to allow us to obtain energy from food by breaking it down and get rid of it from our bodies.
What are the digestive and excretory systems?
A scientist changes a plant cell to an animal cell. She added these organelles.
What are chloroplasts and cell walls?
A person has a dominant trait of green eyes. Using the letter "G", what is his genotype?
What is either "G G or G g"?
The difference between conduction, convection, and radiation.
What is "Conduction - transfer of heat when two objects touch / direct contact. Convection - transfer of heat by liquid or gas. Radiation - the transfer of heat by two objects not touching."?